Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Anglo displaced from the top spot for the first time in a long while by Miriam's excellent Hebrew score!

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Oop, not for long!

Anglo Italian

Anglo Italian I wanted to say thank you for Lexplorer Languages which is another great innovation. Is there any way we can have the languages option permanently on SHOW rather than having to request it each time. If default were SHOW it should affect the monolinguals as English currently appears at the top.

Anglo Italian

Anglo Italian should not*

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I'm interested to see if Miriam can leapfrog Anglo with her knowledge of Finnish.

Show all comments
Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams The subtlety of your hints is improving, Adam ;)

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Adam. want. info. Adam. get. info. :)

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Maybe my feature request written in Google Welsh was TOO subtle. Welsh on these 3 leaderboards please.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Lynn Gwystyx!

Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford alright im gonna need new languages added to find the extra 200 points but yay top 3 <3

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Top multilingual players

Nearby: Top multilingual letterists, Top multilingual conundrumists.

This table shows the high scores of players who have completed a 15 rounder. The top 25 players are shown. Raw scores are used.

1stAdam Gillard15501491531229076143101761061261441336215167
2ndCatriona Cappleman15341491401341047713710487791351391267712075
3rdAdam Latchford135614416382839910110471639614589709991
4thNathan Stone135014712912684721188168571071001485613371
5thMiriam Nussbaum1325145137587591109129738110712779699199
6thTom Cappleman1312145164889464117896364110141885610569
7thAnglo Italian12861381211017413511779531581001076410275
8thChris Hare12791431768884881089074749210089628965
9thMartin Thomas12581431568087791047710368839086758486
10thPhyl Styles12021351318857129101885011515188718845
11thAmie Bateen120114416255647911186694275124691127677
12thMarcus Hares118814416472876810910651431028876649068
13thStephen R115214416860805210871334489104805693114
14thDamian McEvoy112414112470797294906662837975649373
15thMartyn Pegram110214113971768898716554798181578557
16thMatt Hamer1096115130114851191327471831208187
17thDave Robjohns1080134153586872114101606681128506168
18thInnis Carson1046142155676554143745839827257447660
19thStu Harkness104514115067767395816948697860556757
20thFiona T103714115365816290796745746667537758
21stDan McColm10361241557266108110358897113608745
22ndDave Kempshall102014115273735670835851707570547461
23rdKaren Pearson101113314261541077745456473796015747
24thZarte Siempre97314116062655890673440647461478566
25thDavid Barnard96613317314796511765494958466411869

Last updated: 2024-09-08 14:27:33 (1 day, 17 hours, 34 minutes, and 24 seconds ago.)
Update time: 1 minute and 31 seconds.
Next update: Imminent.

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