Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Duel annual standings for 2023

This table shows the players who accumulated the most Duel points during 2023.

1Chris Hare34,842
2Matt Hamer34,594
3Ray Wilding34,428
4Tom Cappleman33,014
5Matt OC32,371
6Stephen R31,886
7Matthew Brockwell31,181
8Stu Harkness30,821
9Jonny D30,188
10Martin Thomas29,165
11George Armstrong28,663
12Florence C-L28,550
13Mike Lee28,323
14John Beresford27,937
15Matthew Tassier27,899
16Martin Hurst27,463
17Liam O27,054
18Adam Latchford27,049
19Mark Murray26,941
20Gerry Tynan25,732
21Ben H25,632
22Brendan Whitehurst24,905
23Dave Ryan24,151
24Luke S23,610
25Fiona T23,348
26Tracey Mills22,866
27Elwin Carlos22,823
28Fraser Allatt22,349
29Andres S.22,348
30Eoin Jackson21,817

Last updated: 2024-09-30 12:08:05 (10 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes, and 40 seconds ago.)
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Next update: Imminent.

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