Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Jason has more than twice as many noms as me :/

Oliver Garner

Oliver Garner Would it help or hinder the situation if bots were included in the list. I'm pretty sure Prune would be fairly high up.

Jack Hurst

Jack Hurst Does this count self nominations?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Only 7 honours from from 145 nominations - 2x 1st, 3x 2nd, 2x 3rd

Jack Hurst

Jack Hurst Self nominations do count then.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Would it be more revealing to see the number of games nominated rather than the number of nominations?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I don't self-nominate, Jack. I think I may have done once or twice early on.

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson More power to you Adam! Nasty business that -makes u go blind, I've heard...

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Very impressive games-to-nominations ratio (c. 11:1) from Conor, especially considering GOTW was implemented more than a year after he started playing apterous.

Herbert Plank

Herbert Plank so Conor is overnommed?

Kai Laddiman

Kai Laddiman A little addendum on this to show your own total noms would be awesome.

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Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Innis has 1275 GotW nominations in the space of 719 days since it was implemented - an average of 1.77 nominations per day. Pretty impressive.

Jason Larsen

Jason Larsen Boo hiss to me

Chris Enado

Chris Enado Don't think it really makes sense to have any self-noms counted towards this leaderboard. Doesn't really reflect how many noms you receive just how dedicated your own games.

Chris Enado

Chris Enado **dedicated you are to nomming your own games.

Jason Larsen

Jason Larsen Chris, just so you know, Quinne James has told me the same thing and I have since stopped self-nominating

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Most Game of the Week nominations

This table shows the players who have received the most Game of the Week nominations.

1stInnis Carson2,900
2ndJack Worsley2,569
3rdElliott Mellor2,404
4thCallum Todd1,620
5thRob Foster1,597
6thConor Travers1,388
7thAhmed M1,316
8thRonan M Higginson1,216
9thAdam Gillard1,198
10thHazel Drury1,194
11thDylan Taylor741
12thMatthew Tassier689
13thDan McColm684
14thMark D683
15thChris Hare682
16thKirk Bevins628
17thMarcus Hares620
17thZarte Siempre620
19thPhilip Aston595
20thDavid Barnard564
21stChris Davies552
22ndAndy Platt532
23rdScott Gillies514
24thThomas Carey493
25thAmie Bateen490
26thLuke Johnson-Davies489
27thJojo Apollo487
28thMatt Hamer484
29thBradley Horrocks479
30thJack Hurst474

Last updated: 2024-08-11 15:52:09 (29 days, 16 hours, 43 minutes, and 14 seconds ago.)
Update time: 7 seconds.
Next update: Imminent.

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