Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison If there is a tangible maximum, some kind of percentage column might look cool.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Given that the theoretical maximum would require you to be fluent in 10 languages, master 18 variants and still be incredibly lucky, I'm not sure I'd really call it tangible.

Kai Laddiman

Kai Laddiman This is completely biased towards popular formats.

I got 7 point in a French Hypergoatundrum Attack. I bet that's not included.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I found them all! Still only second though.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Hurrah! I'm Ian Botham and Ben is a mere Freddie Flintoff (until he plays the 18 remaining formats or improves his current PBs).

Ian Volante

Ian Volante May I suggest that Garfield Sobers is spinning in his grave?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Spinning. Like what you've done there. He is cricket's top all-rounder, but I can hardly compare myself to Sobers...

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Because Adam beat his Hebrew Touch Jnr record?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I've made it to my target - now at 70% of the intangible maximum of all the high score formats.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Gareth is averaging exactly 100 points per format.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Glad I'm not the only one to have played all the high-score formats now. Good effort Chris; finally surpassed Innis' total!

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Thanks Adam; I couldn't have done it without you.

Gevin Chapwell

Gevin Chapwell Adam - reckon you can score 11 more points for 20000?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I'm working on it - was about 70 points short and improved some foreign language scores; not far off now.

Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson I like How Innis has managed to score exactly 15K.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Hares hares up the leaderboard, leading Hare by a hair.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Hares hares up the leaderboard, leading Hare by a hair.

Matt Hamer

Matt Hamer I might to play some extra formats to see if I can climb into the top 5. Although that might be splitting Hares.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Hares hares up the leaderboard, leading Hare by a hair.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I don't know why this is re-posting every time I visit this page.

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Marcus passes Ben for second, I stay fourth, 31 points separate the Hare/s. Close, isn't it?

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares Very close! Adam's total is truly marvellous - one wonders how close he could be run if Innis, Chris D or Dinos bothered to play the remaining formats

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard The competition for second place has led to Hare-raising above 17000 points.

Chris Hare

Chris Hare It's a long hard slog towards 18000.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I try and reach overall percentages (78% might be my peak; 80% is probably intangible unless a few more English language formats come along)

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Level pegging between Hare and Hares now. Cappleman and Bentley have almost played all the formats now too.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante I think I've covered all 166 now, hard to tell though until this page updates.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Not quite, three to go.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Looking at format breakdown on your Superstats, the missing 3 are Russian LA, Spoilage NA and Hyperlock NA.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Thanks. Odd, thought I'd done all those. I'll try them anyway. Next task, make 15,000 points...

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares You're gonna love Spoilage NA

Ian Volante

Ian Volante I didn't even try. Got 42 I think, I just could never be arsed with it before!

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Clean sweep of the 8 multi-discipline leaderboards pushing me up to 80% (rounded up) of the intangible max of all the high-score formats :)

Giles H

Giles H And you called me sad for trying to pencil nerdish...

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Actually, I said it was apt that you'd pencilled it ;)

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I need 8 more points to reach EXACTLY 80%, as both 23164 and 28955 have 5791 as a prime factor. Pretty neat how that works out.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Surely there's a 1/5 chance that it's possible to reach 80% exactly?

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Yes I thought of that afterwards but couldn't figure out the odds. Still, 1 in 5 is something.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams Happy to help. Also you've reminded me to add the percentage column.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Yay :)

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Chris and Marcus in a race to 20,000 points now!

Chris Hare

Chris Hare If by "race" you mean a slow, soul-destroying grind (or wait until the next new variant), then yes.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Next new variant it is!

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Well, new format in this case.

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Next target: 67%. Attainable, under current conditions.

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Bingo.

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Down from 83% to 81% :(

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares What happened?

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams !

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard Latin, mostly.

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares All change on this board since Mocktorun was introduced as a format

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams That didn't occur to me. Pretty cool!

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman Finally managed to kick Innis off the podium.

Callum Todd

Callum Todd The longevity of Innis and Adam on these sorts of all-rounder leaderboards is very impressive. That said, they need to be looking over their shoulders. The T-Cap era is coming!

Tom Cappleman

Tom Cappleman *Adam looks over shoulder*
* looks through telescope *
* looks through bigger telescope*
*eventually sees me*

Damian McEvoy

Damian McEvoy Whoop! Top 30 Baby!

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Finally managed to kick Innis further down the leaderboard.

Show all comments
Ahmed M

Ahmed M Leave Innis be please

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness <3
Was just a tongue-in-cheek comment aimed at T-Cap's four posts up from mine- got a lot of respect for some of Innis' scores on here which are unbelievably frightening and have still stood the test of time!

Ahmed M

Ahmed M Tongue-in-cheek? Not taking those comments lightly around here mate.

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Shall I leave Marcus be?

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Impressive and depressing at the same time to see the C-Ls surpass me without having played nearly 50 of the formats.

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Top all-rounders

This table shows apterous' top all-rounders. Points are totalled over all formats shown on the high scores. The current maximum is 40,721 points over 220 formats.

Max %
1stAdam Gillard32,13821679%
2ndChris Hare31,48722077%
3rdTom Cappleman29,84722073%
4thStephen R28,44021370%
5thZohaib Rehan28,15419469%
6thStu Harkness27,86821268%
7thMarcus Hares27,63522068%
8thInnis Carson27,43920767%
9thRonan M Higginson27,27220767%
10thDave Robjohns27,20020767%
11thMatthew Brockwell26,36219865%
12thBradley Horrocks26,30121965%
13thCallum Todd26,28517865%
14thAdam Latchford26,28220565%
15thFlorence C-L25,88119064%
16thZarte Siempre25,81819163%
17thDavid Barnard25,76018263%
18thSean D25,64321263%
19thMatt OC25,55719063%
20thElliott Mellor25,52918663%
21stJack Worsley25,34918062%
22ndMartin Thomas25,30020462%
23rdHazel Drury25,06919562%
24thSam Cappleman-Lynes25,01917561%
25thFiona T24,84520961%
26thMatthew Tassier24,78620861%
27thThomas Carey24,76718761%
28thMartin Hurst24,67421761%
29thIan Volante24,37922060%
30thJen Steadman24,33618060%

Last updated: 2025-01-09 20:51:25 (7 days, 17 hours, 23 minutes, and 24 seconds ago.)
Update time: 3 minutes and 19 seconds.
Next update: Imminent.

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