What is apterous?

apterous is a UK-based puzzle game where players compete to solve word and number puzzles. You can play in British English, French, German, Welsh, global English and a variety of other languages.

Register here, or log in if you already have an account.

Current Duel Leaders

1Ben H—  

Format: 19 rounds of 25 seconds.
[Vote for the next Duel's format]

Top Dog


These are the finest bones dug up lately,
in Mr Dog's opinion (patent pending).


20Up votes 4Down votes 224Replies

Major Dictionary Change

Announcement by Ray Wilding. Status: Unconfirmed.

All the words imported from the OED since 2015 (e.g. https://www.apterous.org/ticket_view.php?ticket=3146), are now no longer in premiumoxforddictionaries.com - maybe they'll come back, but I doubt it. ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

5Up votes 0Down votes 5Replies

Updating other language dictionaries

Brainstorm by Roger Peak. Status: Unconfirmed.

Can someone tell me - do the dictionaries for other languages ever get updated and what drives that ? [Read more] [More miscellany]

4Up votes 1Down votes 3Replies

Olympics Superbru

Announcement by Andy SC. Status: Unconfirmed.

Like the Olympics? Like predicting sporting results? Like sports in general? If you have answered yes to any of those questions then this is exactly for you. I've set up three polls on Superbru for ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

4Up votes 0Down votes 9Replies

Effect of Dictionary Changes on Ascension

Miscellaneous topic by Steve H. Status: Unconfirmed.

Hello all Have been unable to find the ticket for the last time Ascension had a large conundrum update which IIRC addressed this issue so do bear that in mind, but what happens to Ascension when conundrums ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

16Up votes 1Down votes 2Replies

CO:LON 2024 - Countdown in London 2024 - sponsored by Word Game Geeks - Saturday 24th August 2024

Announcement by Phil Stanton. Status: Unconfirmed.

I'm pleased to announce CO:LON - Countdown in London 2024 – a FOCAL Countdown event, supported by generous sponsorship from Word Game Geeks. For those who don’t know, Word Game Geeks is the company ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

5Up votes 0Down votes 0Replies

Fantasy football 24/25

Announcement by Adam Latchford. Status: Unconfirmed.

Hi League is set up again for next season https://fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/auto-join/9ezi6g If you were in the league last season and use your email again - you'll automatically be involved. ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

9Up votes 1Down votes 1Replies

A lot of words have disappeared from Oxford Dictionaries Premium

Brainstorm by Matthew Tassier. Status: Unconfirmed.

Surprised at being unable to find GAMETOID in the online dictionary today, I investigated a little and have found over 100 words beginning GA... that are no longer in the dictionary. These are words from ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

64Up votes 3Down votes 13Replies

Variant idea: Jaildown

Variant idea by Charlie Reams. Status: Accepted. Priority: 2.

Request description: Time-based Prisoner's Dilemma scoring. If both players declare the same word, only the fastest one gets the points. This would involve either ending round early when you're happy ... [Read more] [More variant ideas]

28Up votes 0Down votes 3Replies

Time axis on superstats graphs to report actual dates, not "days ago"

Website feature request by Graeme Cole. Status: Unconfirmed.

I read Jack Hurst's C4C post about Letters Max Progression http://www.c4countdown.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14268 with interest, but the choice of labelling on the X-axis of the graphs makes interpreting ... [Read more] [More feature requests]

12Up votes 0Down votes 10Replies

Ratings and new players

Brainstorm by Fiona T. Status: Unconfirmed.

AIUI you have to play 11(?) games in a variant to cement a rating in that variant. While you're provisionally rated, you can see swings of several hundred in your rating but it should pan out by the ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

31Up votes 1Down votes 32Replies

Enable Facility To Delete Dormant Games

Game feature request by Phil Collinge. Status: Unconfirmed.

Since the move away from Java one slight negative is that dormant games never die. And occasionally they should be allowed to. In my case I started one game around two months ago against a human who, ... [Read more] [More feature requests]

29Up votes 2Down votes 7Replies

New high score format - Rex Attack

Game feature request by Matty Artell. Status: Unconfirmed.

A lot of the top tier players (read: Rob Foster) like to play this funtastic format - https://www.apterous.org/viewgame.php?game=2812926 - seeing how many maxes in a row they can score against Rex. I think ... [Read more] [More feature requests]

25Up votes 0Down votes 6Replies

Words by Usefulness - January 2024

Announcement by Rob Foster. Status: Unconfirmed.

The latest version of the Words by Usefulness Doc is out. Special mentions go to ANTIPOSE and ANTIPOLE for being among the most useful additions. As for UNDERBOOB - must try harder. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DAcyuWyoLBx6T32mlw0eYWPmvl3PoNWL/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102346750340488444279&rtpof=true&sd=true ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

51Up votes 2Down votes 4Replies

Cancel other challenges when game is started

Game feature request by Fiona T. Status: Unconfirmed.

I think it would be useful if, when a game is accepted, other challenges are cancelled. Some players (often newer ones) send multiple challenges. The suggestion is that once a challenge is accepted, ... [Read more] [More feature requests]

38Up votes 0Down votes 10Replies

How long's that word been in?

Website feature request by Graeme Cole. Status: Unconfirmed.

We frequently hear/read the question "is that a new word?" We can usually get a vague idea by using the "word search" dropdown in Lexplorer and looking for the earliest game it was offered by a bot or ... [Read more] [More feature requests]

30Up votes 0Down votes 6Replies

Ten year anniversary item

Brainstorm by Jonathan Wynn. Status: Unconfirmed.

Hi Charlie, some people have reached/are approaching their ten year anniversary on this wonderful site- would be cool to have some sort of item for this-any chance? Additionally, anyone have suggestions ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

5Up votes 7Down votes 12Replies

Undo numbers misclicks

Game feature request by David Holmes. Status: Unconfirmed.

I suspect this one has been done to death in the past... But as a relatively new player to Apterous I just wondered if the possibility of any leniency or undo feature had been considered when entering ... [Read more] [More feature requests]

45Up votes 1Down votes 2Replies

Report user button

Website feature request by Fiona T. Status: Unconfirmed.

For those hopefully very rare situations where it is necessary to report a user, it would be useful to have a 'report' button against a profile, which would raise a private ticket linking to that profile ... [Read more] [More feature requests]

32Up votes 6Down votes 24Replies

Option to Disable Spectation Notification

Brainstorm by Philip Aston. Status: Unconfirmed.

Elliott Mellor and I have recently agreed that there should be a settings option to disable the notification that reads “(Whoever) is watching you” during a game. Understandably, some people find ... [Read more] [More miscellany]

39Up votes 0Down votes 3Replies

Disallowed words and valid anagrams

Game feature request by Martin Hurst. Status: Unconfirmed.

In Superstats, you can access a list of your most disallowed words. It has columns for "hits" (i.e. the number of times you have submitted it), and "words" (which shows the invalid word) Could a 3rd ... [Read more] [More feature requests]


27 July 2024

26 July 2024

25 July 2024

23 July 2024

22 July 2024

20 July 2024

16 July 2024

15 July 2024

9 July 2024

8 July 2024

2 July 2024

1 July 2024

30 June 2024

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 1.2406 seconds. It's 05:41:21 on Saturday 27 July 2024 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2024. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.