Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard I think I'm going to start picking 2 large. Only 15 out of 158474 haven't yielded 7 points or more (not that 1 large is far behind).

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams If you account for the difficulty of the games then 1 large is by far the best; see

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Is there any chance of adding an extra column showing the likely hood of a 200 max & the average max in number attacks? (or do I have to file a 'ticket'?) Cheers

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Actually i've just worked the chances of 200 max out (going off the figures listed here): (Exact/Total)^20: 6S:- 3%, 1L:- 64%, 2L:- 69%, 3L:- 34%, 4L:-15%

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Can someone explain how the 'total' is worked out? In the case of 4L, I work out the number of different 'instances' to be 90000 not 127312 (10*10*900)???

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Chris Butler

Chris Butler Sorry make that 49500 even (there are 55 different combinations of the 2 small and 900 possible targets)

Adam Gillard

Adam Gillard The figures under 'Total' and every second column after that simply refer to the number of rounds that have been played that meet the criteria.

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams 1) Yes. There's a "request feature" link on the front page.
2) The numbers are empirical not theoretical.
Hope that helps.

Chris Butler

Chris Butler Ahh okay thanks, I guess the maths would be albeit impossible to calculate theoretical percentages so I'll let it drop!

Charlie Reams

Charlie Reams For the standard game it's not that hard, see . But for some of the variants on here it would be basically impossible, there are vastly too many.

Major places

See also: list of all Statland pages.

Statland: Numbers difficulty

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