
Item : Folio of Freeman

The Folio of Freeman is awarded for offering, as a max, a word offered by Harvey Freeman on TV. Total in circulation: 28,592.

This table shows the players who have collected the most Folios of Freeman.

#PlayerFolios of Freeman
1stChris Hare1,167
2ndZohaib Rehan883
3rdJack Worsley634
4thFiona T565
5thLuke S522
6thMatt OC495
7thAhmed M425
8thRonan M Higginson416
9thGeorge Armstrong366
10thJ Bartram349
11thAdam Latchford342
12thGabriel Thallon319
13thLiam O296
14thStu Harkness292
15thAnthony Endsor277
16thPhilip Aston259
16thSteven Grady259
18thBrendan Whitehurst256
19thTom Cappleman234
20thDave Kempshall231
21stSimpatico Jones223
22ndDominic M221
23rdRobin M213
24thGulshan R211
25thFlorence C-L210

Statistics last updated about 37 days ago at 2024-06-20 02:36:01.

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