M S R Maus nips in to win as Hazel can only convert pole into P4. There is now only 11 points in it at the top as the last three races dawn. Constructor's-wise, Mercedes still leads, but Sauber, Ferrari, Alpine, and Red Bull could all close the gap further. To Italy!

(Also, Dave Robjohns will be driving for Aston Martin from the US round onwards)

Tourney round: Apterous F1: Testing-Belgium Race

<< Testing-Belgium Qualifying | Testing-Italy Qualifying >>

Notes from the organizer: To battle in Spa!


Ran from: 3 – 11 February 2024. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: Best-of-8. Approved.

Organizers: M S R.

Fixtures: 17. Completed: 7.

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