Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell The METAMAX will once again be used to calculate the percentage

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell And winning his third individual stage is JOHNNY CANUCK with 94% - the highest percentage in any game to date.

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Just to make people aware, DAVE KEMPSHALL and PIARAS LAST-NAME have been booted from the tourney (for not playing their games), so any votes made by them or for/against them will not be counted. Thank you.

Tourney round: Marathon of March: Mystery Stage - Goatblind 15

<< The Easy Stage - Touchdown 15 | Mystery Stage - Lockdown 15 >>

Notes from the organizer: Now it's on to the Mystery stage, kicking off with a Goatblind 15 against Nude. You will have 7 days to play this - either from the start date posted, or the day the fixtures are added if it's approved late. Please try to play these games in one sitting.

Nude is a relatively easy bot to play against, with a low rating of 820, so you shouldn't have too difficult a job here.

Scoring will be a percentage of the maximum score, with no changes or twists.

How this works: Letters is like Goatdown but the letters dissapear after a few seconds. Numbers, there are no changes and conundrums are like Goatdown, but the letters disappear after a few seconds.

IMPORTANT: This is a link to the google form This is so you can nominate who should receive bonuses and penalties in games for the stage after this. More info is on the form. The survey is also ANONYMOUS, so the results will only be revealed on the date before the games are due to be played. If only a small number of players vote, they will be decided via a random name generator.

The spreadsheet tracking scores is attached HERE: It also contains some rules/guidelines.
If you see your scores are wrong in the spreadsheet, just put a comment on your game.

Of course, any questions - just ask!

Good luck!

Ran from: 6 – 12 March 2023. Format: Goatblind 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Bailey Cowell.

Fixtures: 22. Completed: 22.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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