Ian Volante

Ian Volante It might have been easier than the first Waldorf match, but I still lost...

Elwin Carlos

Elwin Carlos I'm starting to think the only "Easy" stage for me would be a Nice 15 vs Prune.

Stu Harkness

Stu Harkness Guess who didn't read about it being raw score this time...

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Fi Thorne

Fi Thorne What does a raw score mean?

Dan Spinks

Dan Spinks it's the total of every valid declaration you make regardless of whether it actually scores vs your opponent. For the purposes of this round you can play as you would if it was against Prune, the only difference being Waldorf might get the conundrum

Fi Thorne

Fi Thorne Ooops too late, already played! Thank you - will know for next time!

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell ALWAYS bear in mind to read the rules in the future - as there are some fairly nasty surprises coming your way!

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell And with that - DARREN GODFREY is the stage winner here with a whopping 93% - impressive stuff!

Tourney round: Marathon of March: The Easy Stage - Touchdown 15

<< The Easy Stage - Nice 15 | Mystery Stage - Goatblind 15 >>

Notes from the organizer: And time for the final 'Easy' stage game - a Touchdown 15 against Waldorf You will have 7 days to play this - either from the start date posted, or the day the fixtures are added if it's approved late. Please try to play these games in one sitting.

You've played Waldorf already in Game 1, so should be an easier ride than last game, and a nice easy finish of the easy stage.

And after this, it's on to the Mystery Stage - which contains random formats with no common theme.

Scoring will be a percentage of the maximum score, but your RAW score will be the percentage calculated here, not the actual score.

REMINDER: In Letters you can substitute any 1 letter for another, in Numbers are drawn with replacement (e.g: 50 and 50, not 50 or 75) and CONUNDRUMS are harder in the fact you have to change 1 letter to make the word.

The spreadsheet tracking scores is attached HERE: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MOwpx29MZjoXrPrOk3F_lc8OueznkebbTt9o0q_ciqE/edit?usp=sharing. It also contains some rules/guidelines.
If you see your scores are wrong in the spreadsheet, just put a comment on your game.

Of course, any questions - just ask!

Good luck!

Ran from: 5 – 11 March 2023. Format: Touchdown 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Bailey Cowell.

Fixtures: 23. Completed: 23.

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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