Tourney round: Andres S.: The Tournament: The Final 8 - Third Place Playoff

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Notes from the organizer: Well, it has all come down to this.

Thirty players, eleven variants covered, and eight finalists. Now only boiled down... to two remaining players. Let's see how they got to where they are now.

Maus and T-Cap started off very well in the first few rounds until Maus broke off with a small FEMME followed by some OPALINIDS. After that, it was left as a simple chase with Tom keeping up right behind. However, it was no match for Maus who scored with only ONE POINT away from a max game.

The same story could be said for Dave and Elliott, with the two matching each other in the first three rounds. Then a triple-eight play came off; Dave spotting MEERKATS, then Ell fighting back with JABRONIS, and then once again with PEGANITE. This eight-point gap lasted until the final conundrum. However, no one was able to solve the GoatDown conundrum of PLEURITIC. A bit fitting as I think the tenseness of it probably left Elliott out of breath, as he gets the second spot in the final.

Of course, it wouldn't be fair for me to just say bye-bye to two wonderful players. So, let's give these people a final send-off with a game to decide third place!

And its format? Well given how there are not many variants of Goatdown to go about with, let's at least see how fast they can be on their feet... with some Goatblitz!

For Elliott and Tom, however, we'll see what's in store for you two. Stay tuned.

Ran from: 14 – 28 October 2022. Format: Goatblitz. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andres S..

Fixtures: 1. Completed: 0.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Tom CapplemanDave RobjohnsUnplayed

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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