Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Challonge bracket for the cup: https://challonge.com/handicapcup6

With such large numbers these days, I've extended the deadline a bit. 10 days each for all 6 rounds (with a bit of leeway and extensions available)

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin So I go out, as only I can go out, by getting my phrasing letters mixed up. Again.

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Clearly too young to have received such punishment at school.

Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter For those that went to normal school, what on earth are phrasing letters? I tried Google but not helpful.

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin So basically I've put ER in the wrong place (reslipped x) rather than slippered. I also did this on the show (spondered x).

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor Oh Rhys what are you like? :)))

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson If I had a 3-0 headstart, then the game ends 8-11, does that mean it is an 11-11 tie?

Fiona T

Fiona T As per the description, conundrum takes it! ul Eoin

Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter @Eoin Tiebreaks: In the event of a tie, the winner of the conundrum goes through. If neither player gets the con, the lowest handicap (theoretically weaker player) advances. This is because The ceiling function favours stronger players as 11.6 maxes becoming 12 is a smaller step than 4.6 maxes becoming 5.

This is what happened to me - I advanced against Brett. Feels dirty but rules are rules

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson Does "theoretically weaker player" mean "stronger player" in this context?

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson Also... in the Neil v Edward clash, even though Edward's name is shaded red, he's the winner bcoz of the handicap, right?

Adam Dexter

Adam Dexter The player that had a headstart wins if it is tied and neither get the conundrum. In Neil v Edward, Edward started on 4, so the real score was 7-10. The shading is done for the game itself (remember the notes are not reflected in the game score, this must be added manually).

Eoin Jackson

Eoin Jackson Thanks for your patience Adam.

Yes, I didn't understand the tie-break rules... and "lowest handicap" confused me too, as I would consider zero 'lower' than 3 or 4... but it seems that low in this case means high.

Would probably be less thick about all of this if I were a proper sports fan! ;)

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Think Adam and Fiona have cleared things up (cheers both!) and to explain the "lowest handicap" thing, the actual raw handicaps are given here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FOJPCTCcml04mBF4yFoehpx1Rs3Gr09GoyvEbmPpkV8/edit#gid=247501229

So Adam beat Brett after the con went unsolved as his handicap is 7 and Brett's is 9. I just note it as a 2-0 lead for simplicity :) Apologies for confusion - I should probably make the desc a bit clearer instead of copypasting the same thing each season!

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Sorry all, I've been a bit lacklustre on the cups. Have removed both players in 2 R1 games where neither made an effort, and aptomailed some others.

It's tempting to scrap it but I know the "anyone can win" sort of vibe is enjoyed by many, so I might look at just including a reduced list of people I can rely on to play & arrange their games in future seasons - many thanks to those of you who do put in the effort!

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Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns & with that - feel free to let me know if you don't want to play in the cup comps and are only interested in league :)

Wesley Barton

Wesley Barton I do very much want to play my match, and assumed that the deadline was the end of the month. Alan is often online, but 'Busy', and I ready up but he doesn't ready up back. I really wish you had warned me before removing me from the tournament as I would like to play.

Fiona T

Fiona T I would add that I had no problem at all in matching Wesley in a different tournament in which we were drawn.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns I've also never had problems playing tourney games with Wesley (or any of the others eliminated) but the desc and top comment say 10 days per round, which means the R1 deadline was over 3 weeks ago!

I appreciate this could have been clearer so if you've messaged a few times in chat then I can reinstate you, same goes for Oliver/Matty if either have.

For the avoidance of doubt, I recommend aptomailing opponents so I can clearly see who's trying to get the game done and how long they've been waiting for responses/any missed agreed times. In both of those games, I had nothing to go on, so as we're far behind schedule removing both seemed best.

I can't automate the cup tourneys like the leagues unfortunately so when I'm busy and only have time to add the new fixtures the cups both stagnate unless people arrange their own games - I guess therefore scrapping it next season may be best

Elizabeth Beer

Elizabeth Beer Would it be possible for each round to have it's own page, Dave? That way it would be possible to check the deadline for each round easily, which would be particularly helpful as the rounds progress.

Tourney round: AptoLeague: Season 6 Handicap Cup

<< S7 Division 5 | Season 7 Aptotude Cup >>

Notes from the organizer: The League Cup for Season 6 features players from all divisions in one single elimination bracket. Each player has a handicap equal to the ceiling (i.e. rounding up) of their total number of maxes throughout the league stage divided by the number of games they've played.

I'll have the handicaps for each player written in the notes, and will be updating results regularly in a challonge bracket in the comments. Please note only those who've played at least half their league games have enough data to produce a fair tie break.

The entire tournament is intended to take place from the day S6 ends to the day S7 ends, so the 6 rounds will be taking place in 8-9 weeks. As a result, I will be adjudicating unplayed games after 10 days for each round. This should mean we end up with a cup winner by the end of April! The S7 cup will then begin shortly afterwards, with the culmination of the S7 league stage

Tiebreaks: In the event of a tie, the winner of the conundrum goes through. If neither player gets the con, the lowest handicap (theoretically weaker player) advances. This is because The ceiling function favours stronger players as 11.6 maxes becoming 12 is a smaller step than 4.6 maxes becoming 5.

Ran from: 1 March – 30 April 2021. Format: Maxes-only 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 33. Completed: 32.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
R1: J leads 2-0Barry EvansJ Bartram11 – 7
R1: Adam leads 1-0Ian VolanteAdam Dexter6 – 6
R1: Dan leads 5-0Brett DavidsDan Spinks9 – 4
R1: Fiona leads 2-0Dan ByromFiona T10 – 7
R1: Jason leads 1-0Jason TurnerBen H10 – 12
R1: Maria leads 3-0Noel McMaria Chandler9 – 4
R1: Stu leads 2-0Dave RobjohnsStu Harkness13 – 8
R1: Stephen leads 5-0Stephen HolfordCarlo Harrison8 – 13
R1: Edward leads 2-0Patrick ThompsonEdward Ashcroft9 – 10
R1: John leads 3-0Ronan M HigginsonJohn Doherty11 – 7
R1: Elizabeth leads 4-0Eeshan MalhotraElizabeth Beer8 – 4
R1: Eoin leads 3-0Eoin JacksonOliver Solamath8 – 11
R1: Rhys leads 1-0Rhys BenjaminAdam Finlay8 – 9
R2: LevelMatthew BrockwellDan Byrom10 – 8
R2: Anthony leads 1-0Anthony EndsorDave Robjohns9 – 8
R2: Adam leads 4-0Tom CapplemanAdam Finlay11 – 4
R2: Dave leads 3-0Oliver SolamathDave Kempshall8 – 4
R2: Edward leads 4-0Neil CollinsEdward Ashcroft7 – 6
R2: Adam leads 2-0Adam DexterBrett Davids5 – 7
R2: Noel leads 1-0Paul JamesNoel Mc8 – 9
R2: Elizabeth leads 1-0Elizabeth BeerDarren Godfrey5 – 5
R2: Matthew leads 4-0J EM S R11 – 6
R2: Barry leasd 3-0Barry EvansHazel Drury9 – 14
R3: Elizabeth leads 3-0Elizabeth BeerOliver Solamath6 – 11
R3: Adam leads 4-0Adam DexterHazel Drury9 – 11
R2: LevelJosh BoddyBen H8 – 8
R2: Andy leads 6-0Andy SCCarlo Harrison4 – 12
R3: Sean leads 3-0Tom CapplemanSean D11 – 7
R3: Level (11th Apr)Matthew BrockwellJ E11 – 12
R4: Adam 3-0 (12th Apr)Adam DexterJ E10 – 12
R3: Anthony 3-0 (12th Apr)Anthony EndsorCarlo Harrison11 – 12
R3: Level (16th Apr)Noel McBen HUnplayed
R4: Edward leads 3-0 (23rd Apr)Edward AshcroftOliver Solamath6 – 11

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

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