Daily Duel results for 14 June 2022

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 100.
Maximum score: 49.
Team score: 49. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate44%36%61%16%54%91%42%75%
1stAhmed M49+10455556878
1stChris Hare49+10455556878
1stElliott Mellor49+10455556878
1stRay Wilding49+10455556878
1stRob Foster49+10455556878
1stThomas Carey49+10455556878
7thCallum Todd48+9555556868
7thHazel Drury48+9555555878
7thMark Murray48+9555556868
7thMartin Thomas48+9555555878
7thSean D48+9555556868
7thStephen R48+9555556868
7thToby McDonald48+9555555878
14thFlorence C-L44+8855506878
14thLiam O44+8855506878
14thLiam Shaw44+8855506878
14thMatt OC44+8855506878
14thMatthew Brockwell44+8855506878
14thMike Lee44+8855506878
20thGeorge Armstrong43+8250555878
21stMatt Hamer42+8155506858
21stTom Cappleman42+8155505868
23rdGulshan R41+7955505858
24thBobby D39+7855006878
24thJohn Beresford39+7805506878
26thAdam Latchford38+7650505878
26thAmie Bateen38+7605505878
26thBen H38+7650505878
26thJonny D38+7650506868
26thMatthew Tassier38+7605506868
26thPatrick Thompson38+7650505878
26thRobin M38+7605506868
33rdBarry Evans37+6955006858
33rdFraser Allatt37+6950506858
33rdGraeme Cole37+6950506858
33rdPaulo Jamieson37+6955006858
37thDave Ryan36+6550506857
37thJohn Slater36+6505506857
37thRoss Allatt36+6550505858
37thStu Harkness36+6550505858
41stAndres S.34+6150006878
41stAnthony Endsor34+6105006878
41stCillian McM34+6100506878
41stMark Tournoff34+6100506878
41stTony Atkins34+6100506878
46thEoin Jackson33+5600055878
46thJohn Doherty33+5605500878
46thMaria Chandler33+5650005878
46thPeter J Clarke33+5600505878
46thSteven Grady33+5650005878
51stAmar Chotai32+5150005868
51stDarren Godfrey32+5100506858
51stFiona T32+5105050868
51stJames Hurrell32+5100505868
51stJim B32+5150006858
51stJoe Dobinson32+5150006858
51stMartin Hurst32+5100506858
51stNate Sullivan32+5100506858
51stSteven Oldham32+5100506858
51stSuzy Turner32+5100506858
61stElwin Carlos31+4100505777
61stGerry Tynan31+4105005858
63rdCammy L30+3950506068
63rdDamian McEvoy30+3900505857
63rdDave O'Donnell30+3900506847
63rdRoger Peak30+3900506856
63rdRoss Jeffries30+3950005857
63rdSam Prouse30+3950505078
69thAlan O'Sullivan29+3300006878
69thFi Thorne29+3300505757
71stAndrew Sm28+3100006877
71stBrian Huang28+3100504757
71stHawk E28+3100006877
71stJason Turner28+3100005878
71stWesley Barton28+3100005878
76thAnglo Italian27+2600006858
76thJ Bartram27+2605000778
76thMartyn Pegram27+2600005877
76thMatt Gould27+2600006858
76thNicky Clarke27+2600006858
76thSid CC27+2600006858
76thTracey Mills27+2600006858
83rdBrendan Whitehurst26+1900005858
83rdIan Volante26+1900006857
83rdJason C.26+1900005858
83rdOliver Walker26+1900500858
87thAndy SC25+1500500857
87thIain Sime25+1500005857
89thDan Spinks24+1300004857
89thEllen Harrison24+1300500757
89thEuan Crabb24+1300005757
89thTom Austwick24+1300005847
93rdGraham Harrison23+900000878
93rdTyron Potts23+900505850
95thLuke S22+700006808
97thElizabeth Beer20+500000857
98thSarah M19+400000856
98thTricia Lockhart19+405006800
100thRob Pattison18+200500850
101stSparky C12+100000057

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