Daily Duel results for 30 April 2022

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 86.
Maximum score: 34.
Team score: 33. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate0%28%29%65%
1stAhmed M33+867989
1stChris Hare33+867989
1stFlorence C-L33+867989
1stMatthew Brockwell33+867989
1stRay Wilding33+867989
6thAmie Bateen32+816989
6thCillian McM32+816989
6thElliott Mellor32+816989
6thGeorge Armstrong32+817979
6thGulshan R32+817988
6thJohn Beresford32+817889
6thMatt Hamer32+817979
6thRobin M32+816989
6thTom Cappleman32+817979
15thFraser Allatt31+727789
15thJonny D31+726889
15thMark Murray31+726979
15thMartin Thomas31+726988
15thStephen R31+726979
15thToby McDonald31+727978
15thTracey Mills31+726979
22ndAdrian Fletcher30+656978
22ndAndres S.30+657779
22ndJason C.30+656789
22ndMartin Hurst30+657779
22ndMatt OC30+657878
22ndMike Lee30+657779
22ndRoger Peak30+656879
22ndSteven Grady30+656789
22ndSuzy Turner30+656789
31stAdam Latchford29+566779
31stAlan Lloyd29+565978
31stAlan O'Sullivan29+567778
31stBen H29+566779
31stBrendan Whitehurst29+567778
31stDan Spinks29+567778
31stDave Kempshall29+566779
31stDave Ryan29+567778
31stEoin Jackson29+566779
31stJ Bartram29+566788
31stJudith Young29+565789
31stLiam O29+566878
31stLisa Thomson29+566788
31stMark Tournoff29+566779
31stPaul Mcgivern29+566779
31stSteven Oldham29+566788
47thAnthony Endsor28+406679
47thBarry Evans28+407678
47thDamian McEvoy28+405779
47thDarren Godfrey28+406769
47thElwin Carlos28+406778
47thFiona T28+405779
47thJoe Dobinson28+406679
47thLuke S28+406769
47thMatthew Tassier28+405779
47thRoss Allatt28+406769
47thWesley Barton28+406778
58thJackk Davies27+295778
58thJim B27+296669
58thJohn George27+295679
58thNicky Clarke27+296678
62ndCallum Todd26+250989
62ndEllen Harrison26+255678
62ndIain Sime26+254769
62ndJohn Doherty26+255768
62ndMich R26+255768
67thHazel Drury25+207909
67thJim Goloboy25+204768
69thAndy SC24+185667
69thJames Hurrell24+187980
69thRonan M Higginson24+186909
69thStu Harkness24+180789
73rdAdam Finlay23+147709
73rdIan Volante23+146809
73rdMartyn Pegram23+147880
73rdPhilip Aston23+146809
73rdTony Atkins23+146809
78thAmar Chotai22+96709
78thHawk E22+96709
78thJohn Aziz22+96709
81stGraham Harrison21+66609
81stMaria Chandler21+60768
81stPhil Lloyd-Bushell21+64557
84thPeter J Clarke20+36068
85thBrett Davids14+26800
86thAnglo Italian9+10009

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