Daily Duel results for 12 April 2021

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 136.
Maximum score: 25.
Team score: 25. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate89%90%70%90%73%
1stAdam Dexter25+13955555
1stAdam Latchford25+13955555
1stAmie Bateen25+13955555
1stAndy Christley25+13955555
1stAndy SC25+13955555
1stBen H25+13955555
1stBradley Horrocks25+13955555
1stCammy L25+13955555
1stChris Hare25+13955555
1stDan Spinks25+13955555
1stDarren Godfrey25+13955555
1stDave O'Donnell25+13955555
1stDave Ryan25+13955555
1stDominic M25+13955555
1stEdward Ashcroft25+13955555
1stElliott Mellor25+13955555
1stEoin M25+13955555
1stGeorge Armstrong25+13955555
1stGiles H25+13955555
1stGraeme Cole25+13955555
1stHazel Drury25+13955555
1stIan Volante25+13955555
1stJ E25+13955555
1stJames Burley25+13955555
1stJames Hurrell25+13955555
1stJaney M25+13955555
1stJason Dias25+13955555
1stJason Turner25+13955555
1stJenny Mack25+13955555
1stJohn Beresford25+13955555
1stJohn Doherty25+13955555
1stJohn Gillies25+13955555
1stJojo Apollo25+13955555
1stJonathan Dyke25+13955555
1stJonny D25+13955555
1stJosh Boddy25+13955555
1stKieran Bray25+13955555
1stLauren Hamer25+13955555
1stLiam Shaw25+13955555
1stLouis Moen25+13955555
1stLouis Ross25+13955555
1stMarcus Hares25+13955555
1stMark Murray25+13955555
1stMartin Hurst25+13955555
1stMartin Thomas25+13955555
1stMatt Hamer25+13955555
1stMatt OC25+13955555
1stMatthew Brockwell25+13955555
1stMatthew Tassier25+13955555
1stMatty Artell25+13955555
1stMiriam Nussbaum25+13955555
1stN G25+13955555
1stNoel Mc25+13955555
1stOliver Walker25+13955555
1stOliver Garner25+13955555
1stPhil Hannan25+13955555
1stPhilip Aston25+13955555
1stRobin M25+13955555
1stRoss Allatt25+13955555
1stSamuel Allan25+13955555
1stSimpatico Jones25+13955555
1stStephen R25+13955555
1stStu Harkness25+13955555
1stThomas Carey25+13955555
1stToby McDonald25+13955555
1stTom Cappleman25+13955555
1stTracey Mills25+13955555
1stWilliam R Draper25+13955555
69thAdam Finlay20+6855550
69thAnglo Italian20+6855550
69thBrendan Whitehurst20+6855055
69thChiedza Mutongwizo20+6855550
69thCillian McM20+6855055
69thDave Robjohns20+6855550
69thEd Byrne20+6850555
69thEeshan Malhotra20+6850555
69thElwin Carlos20+6855550
69thFiona T20+6855505
69thJames Bailes20+6855550
69thJamie French20+6855055
69thJayne Wisniewski20+6855055
69thJim Goloboy20+6855055
69thJohn George20+6855550
69thJosh Hurst20+6855055
69thLee Simmonds20+6805555
69thLuke S20+6855550
69thMalcolm Atkinson20+6805555
69thMark Tournoff20+6805555
69thNik Mak20+6850555
69thOliver Solamath20+6855055
69thPatrick Thompson20+6855055
69thPaul Mcgivern20+6855550
69thRay Wilding20+6850555
69thRob Foster20+6855055
69thRonan M Higginson20+6855055
69thRuth Cappleman20+6850555
69thSean D20+6855055
69thSteve H20+6855055
69thSteven Oldham20+6805555
69thSteven Tew20+6855550
69thSuzy Turner20+6855055
69thTony Atkins20+6855550
103rdAlan Lloyd15+3455050
103rdAlan O'Sullivan15+3455050
103rdAlex Williamson15+3455050
103rdChris Butler15+3455500
103rdDave Kempshall15+3405550
103rdEdward Murray15+3405055
103rdElizabeth Beer15+3455050
103rdJ Bartram15+3405055
103rdJenny B15+3455050
103rdJohn Slater15+3455500
103rdJudith Young15+3455500
103rdKeith C Williams15+3455050
103rdMaria Chandler15+3455005
103rdNicky Clarke15+3455050
103rdOllie Heath15+3405055
103rdSteven Grady15+3450055
103rdTricia Lockhart15+3450550
103rdWesley Barton15+3455050
121stAmar Chotai10+1650005
121stAndres S.10+1600055
121stAnthony Endsor10+1605050
121stBobby Casey10+1650050
121stChloe Green10+1605050
121stCyril Topher10+1655000
121stDamian McEvoy10+1655000
121stEoin Jackson10+1605500
121stFiona H10+1650050
121stHannah Carley10+1655000
121stJacob K10+1600055
121stMark O'Regan10+1655000
121stPerry Sarb10+1605050
121stRhys Benjamin10+1655000
135thDerek Matthews5+250000
135thJosh Lester5+205000

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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