Daily Duel results for 13 January 2021

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 115.
Maximum score: 40.
Team score: 40. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate45%42%92%80%
1stAmie Bateen40+11810101010
1stAnthony Endsor40+11810101010
1stBen Wilson40+11810101010
1stCillian McM40+11810101010
1stEoin M40+11810101010
1stGerry Tynan40+11810101010
1stGraeme Cole40+11810101010
1stHazel Drury40+11810101010
1stJames Hurrell40+11810101010
1stJohn Gillies40+11810101010
1stJosh Boddy40+11810101010
1stKeith C Williams40+11810101010
1stMarcus Hares40+11810101010
1stMark Murray40+11810101010
1stMartin Hurst40+11810101010
1stMartin Thomas40+11810101010
1stMatt Hamer40+11810101010
1stMatt OC40+11810101010
1stOliver Garner40+11810101010
1stOllie Heath40+11810101010
1stPhilip Aston40+11810101010
1stRay Wilding40+11810101010
1stRobin M40+11810101010
1stStu Harkness40+11810101010
1stTim Down40+11810101010
1stTom Cappleman40+11810101010
27thAmar Chotai39+891091010
27thBen H39+891091010
27thBen Leyburn39+899101010
27thBradley Horrocks39+891091010
27thChris Hare39+891091010
27thDarren Godfrey39+891091010
27thDave Robjohns39+891091010
27thElizabeth Beer39+899101010
27thElliott Mellor39+891091010
27thEoin Jackson39+891091010
27thFiona T39+891091010
27thJ E39+891091010
27thJames Haughton39+899101010
27thJim Goloboy39+891091010
27thJohn Beresford39+891091010
27thJohn Slater39+891091010
27thJon O'Neill39+899101010
27thJonny D39+891091010
27thKieran Bray39+891091010
27thLauren Hamer39+891091010
27thLiam Shaw39+899101010
27thMatt Conway39+899101010
27thMatthew Brockwell39+899101010
27thMatthew Tassier39+891091010
27thMatty Artell39+891091010
27thN G39+899101010
27thNicky Clarke39+891091010
27thSamuel Allan39+899101010
27thStephen R39+891091010
27thThomas Carey39+891091010
27thTricia Lockhart39+899101010
27thWesley Barton39+899101010
59thAnglo Italian38+57991010
59thDan Spinks38+57910109
59thDave Kempshall38+57991010
59thDave Ryan38+57991010
59thJames Laverty38+57910109
59thJason Turner38+57991010
59thJayne Wisniewski38+57109109
59thJohn Doherty38+57910109
59thLouis Ross38+578101010
59thMark Tournoff38+57991010
59thOliver Solamath38+57991010
59thSteven Oldham38+57109109
59thSuzy Turner38+57109109
59thTony Atkins38+57991010
73rdAdam Latchford37+43891010
73rdBrendan Whitehurst37+43891010
73rdDamian McEvoy37+4399109
73rdIain Sime37+43891010
73rdKeith Williams37+43891010
73rdLuke S37+43891010
73rdNoel Mc37+437101010
73rdSamir Pilica37+43891010
81stAlan Lloyd36+359999
81stAnthony M36+3581099
81stCammy L36+3589109
81stEmily Cox36+3589109
81stJ Bartram36+35710910
81stJudith Young36+35791010
81stNick Pt Carter36+35791010
81stToby McDonald36+35791010
89thPhil Stanton35+27871010
90thChloe Green33+268898
91stRichie Yeung31+258788
92ndGeorge Armstrong30+240101010
92ndIan Volante30+240101010
92ndRoss Allatt30+241010100
92ndWilliam R Draper30+240101010
96thAlan O'Sullivan29+20091010
96thChris Butler29+20109100
96thJamie French29+20901010
96thMaria Chandler29+20091010
96thPaul Anderson29+20091010
96thRhys Benjamin29+20091010
96thTracey Mills29+20091010
96thVincent Barcet29+20091010
104thAdam Dexter28+1209109
104thDave O'Donnell28+1209109
106thGraham Harrison26+1079100
107thTom Vincent25+97909
108thChas Maxwell20+8001010
108thEdward Ashcroft20+8001010
108thSean D20+8001010
111thSteve H19+500109
112thElwin Carlos17+48009
112thZoe W17+48090
114thAdam Finlay10+200100
114thAndy SC10+200010

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