Daily Duel results for 25 June 2019

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 79.
Maximum score: 47.
Team score: 46. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate23%75%0%30%13%95%
1stJohnny Canuck46+7971067610
1stMatt Hamer46+7971067610
1stRay Wilding46+7971067610
1stToby McDonald46+7971067610
5thAmie Bateen45+7571067510
5thChris Hare45+7561067610
5thJohn Beresford45+7571066610
5thSean D45+7571067510
9thGraeme Cole44+7161067510
9thIan Birdman44+7161067510
9thJames Hurrell44+7171067410
9thJonny D44+7161067510
9thJoseph H44+7161067510
9thMarcus Hares44+7161067510
9thMark Tournoff44+7161066610
9thSpike Nard44+7161066610
9thTom Cappleman44+7171066510
18thDave Ryan43+6261066510
18thGerry Sullivan43+6261066510
18thJayne Wisniewski43+6261066510
18thJonathan Wynn43+627967410
18thKaren Pearson43+6261066510
18thMark Murray43+6261067410
18thMatthew Tassier43+6261067410
18thMich R43+6261066510
18thRoger Vincent43+6271066410
18thRonan M Higginson43+6261066510
18thStephen R43+6261066510
18thTom Chafer-Cook43+6271066410
18thTom Rowell43+6261066510
31stAlan Lloyd42+4961066410
31stChris Butler42+4961066410
31stEdward Ashcroft42+4961066410
31stFiona T42+496966510
31stHarry F42+4961066410
31stIan Volante42+4961066410
31stJack Slane42+4961066410
31stJamie French42+4961066410
31stJim Goloboy42+496966510
31stKeith Williams42+4971065410
31stMatty Artell42+4961066410
31stRobin M42+4961066410
31stSean Fletcher42+4951067410
31stSteven Tew42+496966510
31stTricia Lockhart42+496966510
46thAnthony Endsor41+3461065410
46thDanielle Watson41+346965510
46thElizabeth Beer41+3461065410
46thGeorge Armstrong41+3461065410
46thKeith C Williams41+3451066410
51stEoin M40+2971067010
51stNicky Clarke40+296866410
51stOliver Garner40+2971007610
54thJonathan Dyke39+26686559
54thTim Down39+2671007510
54thTony Atkins39+2671006610
57thPhil Collinge38+2371006510
57thRoss Jeffries38+2361066010
57thTracey Mills38+2301067510
60thAndy SC37+2061065010
60thHazel Drury37+2061007410
60thMatt OC37+2061007410
63rdIain Sime36+170966510
63rdJosh Boddy36+1761006410
65thJason Turner35+1561005410
65thSam Prouse35+1561005410
67thTom Bolland34+135905510
68thAnglo Italian33+126066510
69thAndy Evans32+116066410
69thBrendan Whitehurst32+116106640
69thCammy L32+116907010
72ndChristy Cooper31+85660410
72ndJudith Young31+85066410
72ndLinda McGrory31+86065410
72ndSam Schmedlapp31+85066410
76thPiaras M Carney29+401005410
77thZack K21+3606540
78thKarl H20+20064010
79thJake Coventry-Peters6+1600000

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