Daily Duel results for 7 March 2019

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 91.
Maximum score: 57.
Team score: 57. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate47%51%45%58%38%64%
1stBradley Horrocks57+9410101010107
1stCallum Todd57+9410101010107
1stChris Hare57+9410101010107
1stElliott Mellor57+9410101010107
1stJim M57+9410101010107
1stJohn Beresford57+9410101010107
1stJohnny Canuck57+9410101010107
1stJonathan Wynn57+9410101010107
1stMarcus Hares57+9410101010107
1stMatt Hamer57+9410101010107
1stMatt OC57+9410101010107
1stQuinn James57+9410101010107
1stRay Wilding57+9410101010107
1stRob Foster57+9410101010107
1stSam Prouse57+9410101010107
1stStephen R57+9410101010107
1stThomas Carey57+9410101010107
18thJack Slane56+7410101010106
18thTom Cappleman56+7410101010106
20thEoin M47+721010010107
20thGerry Sullivan47+721001010107
20thJames Wynde47+721010010107
20thMark Murray47+721010101007
20thMark Tournoff47+720101010107
20thMatty Artell47+721010010107
20thPhil Collinge47+720101010107
20thScott Gillies47+721010101007
20thTim Down47+720101010107
20thTracey Mills47+721010101007
30thHazel Drury46+621001010106
30thIan Volante46+621001010106
32ndAmie Bateen37+60010101007
32ndCillian McM37+60001010107
32ndJonny D37+60100101007
32ndRobin M37+60010010107
32ndSean D37+60101000107
37thLiam Hughes30+55100101000
38thBrett Davids27+5410100007
38thDave Ryan27+5410010007
38thHermann Schwarz27+5410001007
38thIan Birdman27+5400101007
38thJames Hurrell27+5401001007
38thJamie French27+5400101007
38thJon Elmer27+5410000107
38thJoseph H27+5401001007
38thJulia Hayward27+5410100007
38thMatthew Tassier27+5410001007
38thTony Atkins27+5410100007
38thVincent Barcet27+5410000107
50thAndy Christley26+4201001006
50thAnglo Italian26+4201010006
50thAnthony Endsor26+4200010106
50thFiona T26+4210100006
50thMark James26+4201000106
50thRoger Vincent26+4200101006
50thSean Fletcher26+4201010006
57thAlex H17+350100007
57thBrendan Whitehurst17+350001007
57thEdward Ashcroft17+350100007
57thEmily Cox17+350100007
57thGeorge Armstrong17+350010007
57thJames Haughton17+350001007
57thJojo Apollo17+350010007
57thMatt Morrison17+351000007
57thRoss Allatt17+350001007
57thSteve Anderson17+350010007
67thEdward Ffitch16+250001006
67thHarry F16+250001006
67thJames Leroux16+250100006
67thJohn Gillies16+251000006
67thJudith Young16+250100006
67thKeith Williams16+250001006
67thSpike Nard16+250001006
67thSuzy Turner16+250001006
75thKeith C Williams10+171000000
76thCammy L7+16000007
76thIvan Dunt7+16000007
76thMike C Daysley7+16000007
76thNicky Clarke7+16000007
80thAlan Lloyd6+12000006
80thAndy SC6+12000006
80thChristy Cooper6+12000006
80thElizabeth Beer6+12000006
80thFish Badloser6+12000006
80thGerard O'Shea6+12000006
80thIain Sime6+12000006
80thJason Turner6+12000006
80thLiam Jones6+12000006
80thMich R6+12000006
80thSteven Tew6+12000006
91stJon Wilford5+1000005

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