Daily Duel results for 11 November 2017

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 80.
Maximum score: 32.
Team score: 32. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate89%15%10%
1stElliott Mellor32+848618
1stJohnny Canuck32+848618
1stPhilip Aston32+848618
4thBradley Horrocks31+788518
4thHazel Drury31+788518
4thRob Foster31+788518
4thToby McDonald31+788518
8thCallum Todd26+748018
9thMatt Hamer22+73868
9thMatt OC22+73868
9thRay Wilding22+73868
12thAmar Chotai21+70867
12thDarran Prior21+70867
12thDave Noble21+70858
12thGiles H21+70858
12thIan Birdman21+70858
12thJason Turner21+70867
12thMark Murray21+70858
12thMatthew Tassier21+70858
12thSean Fletcher21+70867
12thStephen R21+70858
22ndAndrew Smith20+60857
22ndAnglo Italian20+60857
22ndAnthony Endsor20+60857
22ndCammy- Lovatt20+60857
22ndChris Hare20+60857
22ndDave Ryan20+60857
22ndEmily Cox20+60857
22ndGerry Tynan20+60857
22ndGraeme Cole20+60857
22ndHerbert Plank20+60857
22ndIan Volante20+60857
22ndJack Slane20+60857
22ndJayne Wisniewski20+60857
22ndJohn Gillies20+60857
22ndJojo Apollo20+60857
22ndJon Wilford20+60857
22ndJudith Young20+60857
22ndLuke Johnson-Davies20+60857
22ndMarcus Hares20+60857
22ndMark Mills20+60857
22ndMark Tournoff20+60857
22ndMartin Hurst20+60857
22ndMatthew Brockwell20+60857
22ndMatty Artell20+60857
22ndMich R20+60857
22ndPhil Collinge20+60857
22ndRebecca Farren20+60857
22ndRobin M20+60857
22ndRoger Vincent20+60857
22ndSamir Pilica20+60857
22ndScott Gillies20+60857
22ndSean D20+60857
22ndSteven Tew20+60857
22ndStuart McFarlane20+60857
22ndSuzy Turner20+60857
22ndThomas Carey20+60857
22ndTim Down20+60857
22ndTony Atkins20+60857
22ndTracey Mills20+60857
22ndTricia Lockhart20+60857
22ndZarte Siempre20+60857
64thBen Leyburn19+18757
64thJamie French19+18757
64thJohn Slater19+18757
64thMick Cockcroft19+18856
64thRob Spereall19+18757
64thRoss Allatt19+18757
64thSam Prouse19+18847
64thTom Cappleman19+18757
72ndAndy SC18+10747
73rdAmie Bateen15+9807
73rdJohn Beresford15+9807
73rdJonathan Wynn15+9807
73rdSpike Nard15+9807
77thBradley Holland14+5860
77thJames Hurrell14+5068
79thSteve Anderson13+3850
80thMark James12+2057
81stMichelle N8+1800

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