Daily Duel results for 28 October 2017

Sam Prouse

Sam Prouse #HardestDuelEverToGetAMax

Jonathan Wynn

Jonathan Wynn Great job Marcus!

Matty Artell

Matty Artell Has there been a duel before with no maxed rounds at all?

Sam Prouse

Sam Prouse Must be very few if there are

Marcus Hares

Marcus Hares Thanks! Delighted but very surprised considering I don't really know any Portuguese!

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 58.
Maximum score: 128.
Team score: 78. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%
1stMarcus Hares53+5944555052533534
2ndMatt Hamer45+5844354543330304
3rdChris Hare44+5732355523322324
4thAmie Bateen43+5645044553000337
4thTom Cappleman43+5605504760050506
6thGiles H38+5443355530433000
7thSuzy Turner37+5335304304040524
8thJamie French36+5232233422232224
8thJohn Gillies36+5205544034022403
8thMatt OC36+5234353352032003
11thZarte Siempre35+4904540554020024
12thJohn Slater34+4804005500540065
12thPhil Hannan34+4854065500500004
14thBradley Horrocks33+4630233332222233
14thGraeme Cole33+4604004604500406
14thKaren Pearson33+4604060704000507
14thPhil Collinge33+4650043500440404
14thStephen R33+4604006750040007
14thSteven Tew33+4624222322322322
14thTim Down33+4644504400440400
21stAmar Chotai31+3904404604000045
21stBradley Holland31+3935506300054000
21stEmily Cox31+3904560004440400
21stRoger Vincent31+3904046605000006
21stSean D31+3944400350000443
27thMatthew Tassier30+3304330332420033
28thJohnny Canuck29+3254005600000540
28thSpike Nard29+3250406004000055
30thHerbert Plank28+3054066000000007
31stAndy SC27+2904006304403003
31stJack Slane27+2904536500000004
33rdAnthony Endsor26+2722222222022222
33rdJason Turner26+2704003334000333
35thBen Leyburn25+2500065004500005
35thStuart McFarlane25+2500064505000005
35thToby McDonald25+2500233300003560
38thSamir Pilica24+2200500550040500
39thElliott Mellor22+2100022402220224
39thMichelle N22+2160044000400400
41stRhys Benjamin20+1900204320300033
42ndSteve Anderson19+1800400304500003
43rdMatty Artell18+1700064500000003
44thMatthew Brockwell17+1630503300000003
44thPhilip Aston17+1605000000440400
44thSam Prouse17+1604400500000400
47thDave Noble16+1304000350002002
47thJohn Beresford16+1300000600040006
47thMartin Hurst16+1333200300030020
47thTony Atkins16+1305340004000000
51stGerry Tynan15+900200202032220
52ndTricia Lockhart14+803020000000333
53rdChristy Cooper10+704000300000003
53rdKeith Williams10+700040300000003
53rdRay Wilding10+700000500000005
56thHazel Drury9+400000040000050
56thIan Volante9+400000004000005
56thJudith Young9+405400000000000
59thSean Fletcher4+104000000000000

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