Daily Duel results for 8 October 2017

Sam Prouse

Sam Prouse wow, 0% for a possible solution

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison For an impossible numbers game, does it say 100% or 0% ?

Sam Prouse

Sam Prouse good question, i'd imagine it says 0

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck If the maximum number of points you can score in a round is 0, and you score 0, then you've maxed it. Ergo, 100%.

Chris Hare

Chris Hare Sam wins, I think, although this isn't a numbers example: https://www.apterous.org/duel_results.php?duel=6367

Johnny Canuck

Johnny Canuck The max calculation in duel results is different from that in game/round results, then. I've seen maxed 15 rounders that include impossible numbers games.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Presenting these rounds as 0% or 100% is slightly awkward either way. A different notation for impossible rounds would be a helpful improvement though. I'll ticket it.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison https://www.apterous.org/ticket_view.php?ticket=4336

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 76.
Maximum score: 60.
Team score: 50. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate17%61%75%32%0%82%
1stChris Hare50+7610101010010
1stJamie French50+7610101010010
1stTim Down50+7610101010010
4thAmie Bateen40+730101010010
4thCallum Todd40+731010010010
4thDan Byrom40+730101010010
4thElliott Mellor40+731010010010
4thGiles H40+731010100010
4thGraeme Cole40+731010100010
4thJohnny Canuck40+731010010010
4thMarcus Hares40+730101010010
4thMatt Hamer40+730101010010
4thMatthew Brockwell40+730101010010
4thMatthew Tassier40+731001010010
4thNoel Mc40+730101010010
4thRay Wilding40+730101010010
4thRobin M40+730101010010
4thSean Fletcher40+731010100010
4thStephen R40+731010100010
4thTom Cappleman40+731010100010
4thZarte Siempre40+730101010010
22ndAnthony Endsor30+55010100010
22ndBradley Holland30+55010100010
22ndBradley Horrocks30+55001010010
22ndChris Butler30+55001010010
22ndGerry Tynan30+55010010010
22ndGevin Chapwell30+55010100010
22ndHeather Styles30+55001010010
22ndIan Birdman30+55010100010
22ndIan Volante30+55001010010
22ndJudith Young30+55010100010
22ndKeith Williams30+55010100010
22ndMark Murray30+55010100010
22ndMartin Hurst30+55010100010
22ndMatt Morrison30+55010100010
22ndMatt OC30+55010100010
22ndPhil Collinge30+55001010010
22ndPhilip Burke30+55010100010
22ndScott Gillies30+55100100010
22ndToby McDonald30+55010100010
22ndTony Atkins30+55010100010
22ndTracey Mills30+55001010010
43rdAlex H20+3401010000
43rdAmar Chotai20+3401000010
43rdAndrew Smith20+3401010000
43rdAndy SC20+3400100010
43rdAnglo Italian20+3401010000
43rdChristopher Miller20+3401010000
43rdDave Armstrong20+3400100010
43rdDave Noble20+3401010000
43rdEmily Cox20+3400100010
43rdEoin Jackson20+3401000010
43rdHazel Drury20+3401000010
43rdJack Slane20+3400100010
43rdJason Turner20+3400100010
43rdJohn Beresford20+3400100010
43rdJohn Gillies20+3400100010
43rdMatty Artell20+3400100010
43rdMich R20+3400101000
43rdRichard Hayward20+3400100010
43rdRoger Vincent20+3400100010
43rdSam Prouse20+3401000010
43rdTricia Lockhart20+3401000010
64thDave Ryan10+130010000
64thJojo Apollo10+130000010
64thJulia Hayward10+130010000
64thMark Mills10+130100000
64thPhilip Aston10+130010000
64thSteve Anderson10+130100000
64thStuart McFarlane10+130000010
64thSuzy Turner10+130000010
64thTlou Laz10+130000010
64thZack K10+130000010
74thBen Leyburn0+3000000
74thKaren Pearson0+3000000
74thNikki Saarsteiner0+3000000

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