Daily Duel results for 5 October 2017

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 80.
Maximum score: 20.
Team score: 20. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate55%38%53%29%
1stCallum Todd20+845555
1stChris Hare20+845555
1stJack Slane20+845555
1stJohn Beresford20+845555
1stMatt Hamer20+845555
1stMatt OC20+845555
1stRay Wilding20+845555
1stSean Fletcher20+845555
1stStephen R20+845555
1stTom Cappleman20+845555
1stZarte Siempre20+845555
12thBradley Holland15+705055
12thElliott Mellor15+705550
12thGerry Tynan15+705055
12thGraeme Cole15+700555
12thHazel Drury15+700555
12thMark Murray15+705055
12thMatthew Brockwell15+705550
12thPhil Collinge15+700555
12thRob Foster15+700555
12thRoger Vincent15+705550
12thSam Prouse15+705550
12thSean D15+705550
12thTim Down15+705550
12thTom Chafer-Cook15+700555
26thAlex H10+565050
26thAmie Bateen10+560055
26thDan Byrom10+565500
26thGevin Chapwell10+565050
26thGiles H10+565005
26thJason Turner10+565050
26thJayne Wisniewski10+565050
26thJohnny Canuck10+560505
26thKaren Pearson10+565500
26thMarcus Hares10+565050
26thMark Tournoff10+565050
26thScott Gillies10+565050
26thTracey Mills10+565050
40thAndrew Keith5+420500
40thAndrew Smith5+420500
40thAnglo Italian5+420500
40thAnthony Endsor5+425000
40thBradley Horrocks5+420050
40thChris Butler5+425000
40thDave Noble5+425000
40thEmily Cox5+425000
40thGulshan R5+420005
40thIan Birdman5+420050
40thIan Volante5+425000
40thJamie French5+420050
40thJohn Gillies5+425000
40thJon Wilford5+420050
40thJudith Young5+425000
40thJulia Hayward5+425000
40thMatt Morrison5+420500
40thMatthew Tassier5+420500
40thMatty Artell5+420050
40thNicola Owens5+420050
40thNoel Mc5+425000
40thPhilip Aston5+420050
40thRobin M5+425000
40thSid CC5+425000
40thStuart McFarlane5+425000
40thToby McDonald5+420050
40thTricia Lockhart5+425000
67thAmar Chotai0+150000
67thAndy SC0+150000
67thBen Leyburn0+150000
67thCillian McM0+150000
67thConor O Moloney0+150000
67thDave Ryan0+150000
67thKeith Williams0+150000
67thMartin Hurst0+150000
67thRoss Allatt0+150000
67thRoss Jeffries0+150000
67thSteven Tew0+150000
67thSuzy Turner0+150000
67thTlou Laz0+150000
67thTony Atkins0+150000
67thZack K0+150000

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