Daily Duel results for 1 September 2017

Sam Prouse

Sam Prouse whoopee...

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 71.
Maximum score: 55.
Team score: 55. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate77%13%90%63%54%56%63%44%
1stJack Worsley55+7467677787
1stMatt OC55+7467677787
3rdHerbert Plank54+6966677787
3rdJohn Beresford54+6967677786
3rdMark Murray54+6966677787
3rdMark Tournoff54+6966677787
3rdRay Wilding54+6966677787
3rdTom Cappleman54+6966677787
9thAmie Bateen53+6366677786
9thBradley Holland53+6366676787
9thChris Hare53+6366677786
9thJack Slane53+6366677786
9thMarcus Hares53+6366677786
9thRoger Vincent53+6366677687
9thSean D53+6366677786
9thStephen R53+6366677786
17thDan Byrom52+5566677776
17thEoin Jackson52+5565677786
17thGerry Tynan52+5566676786
17thIan Volante52+5566676786
17thJohn Gillies52+5566676777
17thLiam O52+5566676687
17thMatthew Brockwell52+5556677687
17thRoss Allatt52+5566667786
17thSean Fletcher52+5565677687
17thSid CC52+5566667786
17thZarte Siempre52+5566676786
28thAmar Chotai51+4465667687
28thAnthony Endsor51+4466676686
28thBradley Horrocks51+4466666786
28thDave Noble51+4466676677
28thElliott Mellor51+4466676686
28thGraeme Cole51+4466676686
28thMartin Hurst51+4466666786
28thMatt Morrison51+4466667686
28thRichard Hayward51+4467666677
28thTony Atkins51+4466676776
38thJames Leroux50+3467675676
38thJayne Wisniewski50+3456677676
38thJudith Young50+3466676676
38thJulia Hayward50+3465676677
38thMatty Artell50+3465676677
38thStuart McFarlane50+3466657776
38thToby McDonald50+3466667676
45thAndrew Smith49+2766656677
45thJamie French49+2766656677
45thRobin M49+2765656786
48thMichelle N48+2406677787
49thJames Hurrell47+2307676786
49thMatt Hamer47+2307676786
51stEd Byrne46+2166677077
51stGevin Chapwell46+2166066787
51stMatthew Tassier46+2106676786
51stPhilip Aston46+2156656675
51stTim Down46+2106667786
56thGreg Fanoe45+1667657707
56thIan Birdman45+1606677676
56thJohnny Canuck45+1606657786
56thMark James45+1606667686
56thPhil Collinge45+1666066786
61stJason Turner44+1166057677
61stNoel Mc44+1166657077
61stTricia Lockhart44+1166606677
64thAndy SC43+805657686
64thJon Wilford43+866660676
66thJoshua Mclaggan42+600677787
67thChris Butler40+566077707
68thEmily Cox38+466676070
69thRoss Jeffries35+307060787
70thSteve Anderson34+255006666
71stSam Prouse32+106076067

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