Daily Duel results for 20 August 2017

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 84.
Maximum score: 42.
Team score: 42. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate0%5%25%0%57%12%
2ndJohn Beresford39+85667677
2ndMatt OC39+85677667
2ndMike Springett39+85667677
2ndTom Cappleman39+85677676
6thChris Hare38+81667676
6thElliott Mellor38+81667676
6thGraeme Cole38+81667676
6thHerbert Plank38+81667676
6thJack Worsley38+81667676
6thLiam O38+81666677
6thMarcus Hares38+81676676
6thMichelle N38+81677666
6thPhil Collinge38+81667676
15thBradley Holland37+72656677
15thGerry Tynan37+72666667
15thJack Slane37+72666676
15thJames Hurrell37+72657676
15thJohnny Canuck37+72567676
15thMatt Morrison37+72666676
15thRoger Vincent37+72666676
15thSuzy Turner37+72666676
15thThomas Carey37+72666676
15thTony Atkins37+72657676
15thTracey Mills37+72667666
26thAlex H36+61566676
26thAnglo Italian36+61666666
26thDave Ryan36+61666666
26thEmily Cox36+61656676
26thHazel Drury36+61566676
26thJohn Gillies36+61666666
26thMatthew Tassier36+61656676
26thQuinn James36+61655677
26thRobin M36+61656676
26thRoss Allatt36+61666666
26thSamir Pilica36+61667566
26thTricia Lockhart36+61666666
38thAnthony Endsor35+49556676
38thGiles H35+49656666
38thJayne Wisniewski35+49556676
38thJudith Young35+49666665
38thStuart McFarlane35+49566666
43rdDave Noble34+44655666
43rdNoel Mc34+44456676
45thChris Butler33+42646566
45thDan Byrom33+42556665
45thJamie French33+42566466
45thKeith Williams33+42456666
45thSean Fletcher33+42556566
50thKaren Pearson32+37066677
50thMark Murray32+37066677
50thMatt Hamer32+37667670
50thRay Wilding32+37607676
50thSean D32+37066677
50thStephen R32+37067676
56thEoin Jackson31+31066676
56thMatthew Brockwell31+31066676
56thTim Down31+31666670
56thZarte Siempre31+31057676
61stGevin Chapwell30+26066675
61stMark Tournoff30+26650676
61stScott Gillies30+26056676
64thAmar Chotai29+23454556
64thAmie Bateen29+23656066
64thIan Birdman29+23455555
64thMartin Hurst29+23507665
64thPhilip Aston29+23666506
64thSteven Tew29+23666605
64thToby McDonald29+23506576
71stAidan L28+16056665
71stAndy SC28+16066646
71stBradley Horrocks28+16606664
71stJulia Hayward28+16555670
71stMatty Artell28+16054676
71stPhilip Peel28+16454456
77thRichard Hayward27+10454455
78thBrett Davids25+9600676
78thDaniel Hunt25+9454534
78thIan Volante25+9066670
81stFiona H24+6606570
82ndTlou Laz23+5355505
83rdChristy Cooper20+4450434
83rdDerek Duke20+4055055
85thMich R19+2054550
86thAnoush Khachik17+1404405

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