Daily Duel results for 7 June 2017

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 91.
Maximum score: 40.
Team score: 40. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate91%79%100%100%
1stAlex H40+9710101010
1stAndrew Hypes40+9710101010
1stAndrew Smith40+9710101010
1stAndy SC40+9710101010
1stAnthony Endsor40+9710101010
1stBradley Horrocks40+9710101010
1stBrett Davids40+9710101010
1stCallum Todd40+9710101010
1stChas Maxwell40+9710101010
1stChris Hare40+9710101010
1stChristopher Miller40+9710101010
1stDan Byrom40+9710101010
1stDan McCarthy40+9710101010
1stDave Shenton40+9710101010
1stDee Mcwrite40+9710101010
1stEd Byrne40+9710101010
1stElliott Mellor40+9710101010
1stEmily Cox40+9710101010
1stEoin Jackson40+9710101010
1stGerry Tynan40+9710101010
1stGiles H40+9710101010
1stGraeme Cole40+9710101010
1stGraham Harrison40+9710101010
1stHerbert Plank40+9710101010
1stIan Linton40+9710101010
1stIan Volante40+9710101010
1stJack Slane40+9710101010
1stJames Hurrell40+9710101010
1stJames Laverty40+9710101010
1stJamie French40+9710101010
1stJohn Beresford40+9710101010
1stJohn Gillies40+9710101010
1stJon Elmer40+9710101010
1stJonathan Wynn40+9710101010
1stJudith Young40+9710101010
1stKaren Pearson40+9710101010
1stLiam O40+9710101010
1stLiam Tiernan40+9710101010
1stMarcus Hares40+9710101010
1stMark Murray40+9710101010
1stMark Tournoff40+9710101010
1stMartin Hurst40+9710101010
1stMatt OC40+9710101010
1stMatthew Tassier40+9710101010
1stMike Springett40+9710101010
1stNikki Saarsteiner40+9710101010
1stPaul James40+9710101010
1stPeter J Clarke40+9710101010
1stRhys Benjamin40+9710101010
1stRobin M40+9710101010
1stRoger Vincent40+9710101010
1stRoss Mccolm40+9710101010
1stScott Gillies40+9710101010
1stSean D40+9710101010
1stSean Fletcher40+9710101010
1stSid CC40+9710101010
1stStephen R40+9710101010
1stStewart Wintle40+9710101010
1stStuart McFarlane40+9710101010
1stSuzy Turner40+9710101010
1stTim Down40+9710101010
1stTom Cappleman40+9710101010
1stTom Chafer-Cook40+9710101010
1stTracey Mills40+9710101010
1stZarte Siempre40+9710101010
67thAidan L30+281001010
67thAmar Chotai30+281001010
67thAnglo Italian30+280101010
67thConrad Teixeira30+281001010
67thDarran Prior30+281001010
67thDave Noble30+281001010
67thDave Ryan30+281001010
67thGevin Chapwell30+280101010
67thHazel Drury30+281001010
67thIan Birdman30+281001010
67thJason Turner30+280101010
67thJohn Connolly30+280101010
67thJohn Slater30+281001010
67thJulia Hayward30+281001010
67thKeith Williams30+281001010
67thMark James30+281001010
67thMatt Hamer30+281001010
67thMatty Artell30+280101010
67thNoel Mc30+281001010
67thPhil Collinge30+281001010
67thPhilip Aston30+280101010
67thRay Wilding30+280101010
67thSam Prouse30+281001010
67thThomas Carey30+281001010
67thTony Atkins30+281001010
93rdDave Nicholson20+2001010

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