Daily Duel results for 27 May 2017

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Yeaaaahhhh, first solo win that I can remember in years :)))))))

Amar Chotai

Amar Chotai Superb Ian, especially getting a gold pencil for VARIOMETER - great spot and very well played mate :)

Ian Volante

Ian Volante Only bronze sadly, but thanks!

Amar Chotai

Amar Chotai Ah sorry my bad looked like gold and got confused lol

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 56.
Maximum score: 108.
Team score: 98. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate0%77%32%4%16%79%59%54%68%86%48%
1stIan Volante89+580100101010101010109
2ndJack Worsley88+57010901010101010109
2ndRay Wilding88+57010901010101010109
4thLiam Tiernan79+55010010010101010109
4thMatt Hamer79+55010001010101010109
6thChris Hare78+5301090010101010109
6thJamie French78+5301090010101010109
6thJon Elmer78+5301090010101010109
6thMark Tournoff78+5301090101010100109
6thScott Gillies78+5301090010101010109
6thTom Cappleman78+5301090010101010109
12thMatthew Tassier70+47010001010101010100
12thTim Down70+47010001010101010100
14thBradley Horrocks69+4501000101001010109
14thChris Butler69+4501000010101010109
14thJason Turner69+4501090010101010100
14thMartin Hurst69+4501000010101010109
14thSean D69+4501090010101010100
19thGiles H68+400109001010010109
19thMatt OC68+400109001001010109
21stElliott Mellor60+3801000010101010100
21stJim B60+3801000010101010100
21stLiam O60+3801000010101010100
21stRoger Vincent60+3801000010101010100
25thIan Birdman59+340100001010010109
25thJames Hurrell59+340000010101010109
25thJohn Slater59+340109001010010100
25thSam Prouse59+340100001010010109
29thAnthony Endsor50+300100001001010100
29thConrad Teixeira50+300100010010100100
31stDave Ryan49+28010000100010109
31stTricia Lockhart49+28010000101000109
33rdJohn Beresford48+2601090010000109
34thDave Noble40+25000001010010100
34thEoin Jackson40+25010000100010100
34thGerry Tynan40+25010000010010100
34thJohn Gillies40+25010000010010100
38thDan Byrom39+2101000001000109
38thJulia Hayward39+2101090010000100
38thMike Springett39+2100000010100109
38thRoss Allatt39+2100900100010100
43rdPhil Collinge38+160090000101009
44thAnglo Italian30+1501000010010000
44thHazel Drury30+1501000010001000
44thMatty Artell30+1500000001010100
44thSuzy Turner30+1501000010000100
48thAmar Chotai29+110090010000100
48thJack Slane29+110100001000009
48thTony Atkins29+110000010000109
51stCammy- Lovatt20+80000010000100
51stJudith Young20+80000010001000
53rdAndy SC10+6000000000100
53rdFiona H10+6010000000000
53rdSteven Tew10+6000000000100
53rdTracey Mills10+6010000000000
57thPhilip Aston0+200000000000

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