Daily Duel results for 8 May 2017

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 78.
Maximum score: 55.
Team score: 55. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate1%85%94%17%22%73%100%44%19%
1stJohn Beresford55+81866555686
2ndChris Hare53+77666555686
2ndZarte Siempre53+77666555686
4thHazel Drury51+75566555685
5thGiles H50+74466555685
6thRobin M49+73366555685
7thJack Slane48+72666505686
7thMatt Hamer48+72666505686
7thRay Wilding48+72666055686
10thLiam O47+69666505685
10thMark Tournoff47+69666055685
10thStephen R47+69666055685
13thAndrew Smith46+66566055685
13thMark James46+66566055676
13thPhil Collinge46+66666505675
16thRobert Ryan45+63566055666
16thSean Fletcher45+63556055685
18thDave Noble42+61546505665
18thGraeme Cole42+61566005686
18thLiam Tiernan42+61566005686
18thMartin Hurst42+61666005685
18thMatt OC42+61660055686
18thSean D42+61566005686
18thTom Chafer-Cook42+61666005685
25thAndrew Hypes41+54566005685
25thChris Butler41+54566005685
25thElliott Mellor41+54566500685
25thGulshan R41+54066055685
25thIan Birdman41+54666005675
25thKaren Pearson41+54660055685
25thMark Murray41+54566005685
25thMatt Morrison41+54666005675
25thRahul Suresh41+54666005675
25thRoss Allatt41+54666005675
25thTom Cappleman41+54666005675
36thAnthony Endsor40+43566005675
36thConrad Teixeira40+43566005675
36thGerry Tynan40+43666055606
36thJason Turner40+43566005675
36thMatthew Tassier40+43366005686
36thStuart McFarlane40+43566005675
42ndAlex H39+37566005665
42ndBrett Davids39+37656005665
42ndJon Wilford39+37466005675
42ndTracey Mills39+37666505605
46thJamie French38+33566005664
46thSteven Tew38+33546005675
46thTricia Lockhart38+33556005674
49thJim B37+30666000685
49thJohn Slater37+30356005675
51stAnglo Italian36+28666000675
51stEoin Jackson36+28566000685
51stJohn Gillies36+28566005680
51stPhilip Aston36+28660005685
51stPini Stimler36+28666000675
51stScott Gillies36+28066005685
51stTim Down36+28066005676
58thAmar Chotai35+21566000675
58thDan Byrom35+21566000675
58thDave Shenton35+21506005685
58thGary With One R Woodward35+21660005675
58thJayne Wisniewski35+21566000675
58thKeith Williams35+21566000675
64thBradley Horrocks34+15466000675
64thDave Ryan34+15466000675
64thIan Volante34+15066005665
64thJulia Hayward34+15566000665
68thGevin Chapwell33+11506005665
69thAndy SC31+10546000655
69thTony Atkins31+10066000685
71stCammy- Lovatt29+8065000675
71stDarran Prior29+8666000605
71stDave Nicholson29+8556000670
74thS J28+5066005605
74thSuzy Turner28+5566000605
76thMike Springett26+3546000605
76thSam Prouse26+3046000664
78thChas Maxwell23+1066000605

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