Daily Duel results for 20 February 2016

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 81.
Maximum score: 57.
Team score: 57. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate31%42%49%96%88%69%27%1%
1stJack Worsley56+8188766795
1stJonathan Wynn56+8188766795
1stMatt Hamer56+8188766795
4thMark Tournoff55+7878766795
4thTom Chafer-Cook55+7878766795
4thTransude Transude55+7888766776
7thGraeme Cole54+7578666795
7thJudith Young54+7588766775
9thAnoush Khachik53+7378766775
9thBen Hocking53+7378766775
9thBrett Davids53+7388666775
9thGiles H53+7376766795
9thInnis Carson53+7376766795
9thMarcus Hares53+7378666695
9thMichelle N53+7378666695
9thMiriam Nussbaum53+7388666775
9thN G53+7385766795
9thRay Wilding53+7378766775
9thStephen R53+7385766795
9thTom Cappleman53+7385766795
9thTracey Mills53+7385766795
22ndAmie Bateen52+6075766795
22ndHarry Newton52+6078666775
22ndJason Turner52+6088666675
22ndLiam O52+6085766785
22ndMark James52+6078666775
22ndMatty Artell52+6088666675
22ndZarte Siempre52+6086766775
29thJamie French51+5368666775
29thJohn Slater51+5388666665
29thJulie McCarthy51+5375766695
29thRahul Suresh51+5368766675
33rdAnna W50+4975766775
33rdGerry Tynan50+4985766675
33rdHeather Styles50+4978666764
33rdJack Slane50+4985666775
33rdJayne Wisniewski50+4965666795
33rdJohn Gillies50+4975766775
33rdKevin Steele50+4968666765
33rdMatt OC50+4985766675
33rdMatthew Tassier50+4975766775
33rdSteven Tew50+4975766775
43rdCatherine Mullan49+3978666655
43rdDan Johnson49+3988066795
43rdIan Volante49+3975666775
43rdJohnny Canuck49+3988660795
43rdPhil Collinge49+3975666775
43rdRoss Allatt49+3975766675
49thDave Noble48+3375666675
49thJim B48+3365766675
49thRobin M48+3380766795
49thTony Atkins48+3375764775
49thTricia Lockhart48+3375666765
54thAnthony Endsor47+2875666755
54thChris Hare47+2888766705
54thEoin Jackson47+2875666665
54thJon Wilford47+2875666755
58thAdam Finlay46+2478766705
58thAlly Haines46+2475665665
58thCake Tiger46+2465666665
58thJames Hurrell46+2480766775
62ndAndy SC45+2065566665
62ndJohn Beresford45+2070766775
62ndJojo Apollo45+2075066795
62ndRobert Miller45+2070766775
62ndRyan Carlsen45+2070666785
67thConrad Teixeira44+1508666765
67thKeith Williams44+1508666675
69thMatt Morrison43+1375766705
69thOli Moore43+1385660675
69thStuart Moore43+1375606775
72ndAlan Young42+1060666675
73rdMark Mills41+965564564
74thLorrie Bronsema40+805666665
75thAndy Saunders39+765756604
75thDarran Prior39+708066775
77thDave Armstrong38+508560775
78thCallum Todd37+408760790
79thJames Laverty36+365760705
80thJNM Rawson31+274450074
81stPeter J Clarke23+170060604

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