Daily Duel results for 5 January 2016

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 85.
Maximum score: 33.
Team score: 33. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate99%53%46%64%
1stAlan Young33+88101067
1stAmie Bateen33+88101067
1stBarry Bridger33+88101067
1stChris Hare33+88101067
1stGiles H33+88101067
1stInnis Carson33+88101067
1stJack Worsley33+88101067
1stJason Turner33+88101067
1stJohn Beresford33+88101067
1stLee Simmonds33+88101067
1stLiam O33+88101067
1stMark Tournoff33+88101067
1stMatt Hamer33+88101067
1stMatthew Tassier33+88101067
1stPhil Collinge33+88101067
1stRobert Miller33+88101067
1stStephen R33+88101067
1stTom Cappleman33+88101067
1stZarte Siempre33+88101067
20thJames Laverty32+66101066
20thMark James32+66101066
20thRahul Suresh32+66101066
23rdAndrew Feist31+63101047
23rdColin Cox31+63101047
23rdConrad Teixeira31+63101047
23rdDarran Prior31+63101047
23rdDave Ricesky31+63101047
23rdGerry Tynan31+63101047
23rdGraeme Cole31+63101047
23rdIan Volante31+63101047
23rdJayne Wisniewski31+63101047
23rdJohn Gillies31+63101047
23rdJulie McCarthy31+63101047
23rdKaren Pearson31+63101047
23rdMatt OC31+63101047
23rdScott Gillies31+63101047
23rdSean D31+63101047
23rdSid CC31+63101047
23rdStephen Cairns31+63101047
40thBjorn Aas30+4610767
40thJames Leroux30+46101046
40thKeith Williams30+46101046
40thMatty Artell30+4610767
40thPeter J Clarke30+46101046
40thRobin M30+4610767
40thThomas Carey30+4610767
40thTony Atkins30+4610767
48thAnthony Endsor29+3810766
48thMiriam Nussbaum29+3810766
50thEoin Jackson28+3610747
50thJack Slane28+3610747
50thJojo Apollo28+3610747
50thKeith B28+3610747
50thTracey Mills28+3610747
55thJudith Young27+3110746
55thLorrie Bronsema27+3110746
55thTricia Lockhart27+3110746
58thMichelle N26+28101006
58thSteven Tew26+2810745
60thDave Noble25+2610546
61stDamian Banks24+25101040
61stGary Francis Campbell24+25101040
61stJohnny Canuck24+2510707
64thAnna W23+2210760
64thBen Hocking23+2210067
64thCake Tiger23+2210760
64thChas Maxwell23+2210067
64thJames Hurrell23+2210067
64thRay Wilding23+2210067
64thSean Fletcher23+2210706
71stAlex H22+1510066
72ndJamie French21+1410047
72ndJim B21+1410740
72ndJon Wilford21+1410047
75thChris Butler20+1110046
75thFiona H20+1110046
75thWilliam Whiteside20+1110046
78thAndy SC19+810045
78thDave Nicholson19+810045
78thJohn Carpenter19+810045
81stLiam Hughes17+510007
82ndDave Armstrong16+410060
82ndMarcus Hares16+410060
82ndRoss Allatt16+410060
85thBenjamin Cleak9+10036

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Page generated in 0.0369 seconds. It's 22:15:00 on Saturday 15 February 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.