Daily Duel results for 28 December 2015

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 70.
Maximum score: 78.
Team score: 77. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate91%6%61%0%17%39%57%23%59%
1stRay Wilding76+71681091368115
2ndDave Ricesky75+70681091358115
2ndFrank Jones75+70691091168115
4thMatt Hamer74+68681091168115
5thChris Hare73+67691091167105
5thJack Worsley73+67671091168115
5thMiriam Nussbaum73+67671091367105
5thTom Cappleman73+67681091158115
9thGiles H72+6369109116885
9thLloyd Pet72+63681091158114
9thMarcus Hares72+63681091068114
9thRobert Miller72+6368109135885
13thJamie French71+59671091058115
14thMatt OC70+5866108135895
14thPhil Collinge70+58691061067115
16thAlan Young69+5667109115885
16thIan Volante69+56681091168110
16thJames C69+5667108115895
16thKeith B69+5667109115885
16thScott Gillies69+56671071068105
16thTony Atkins69+5667781358114
22ndCake Tiger68+5067881058115
22ndMichelle N68+50671071066115
24thMark James67+4867107105895
24thMike Pickering67+4867108115695
24thMilo McKenzie67+4867108105885
27thAmie Bateen66+4566661358115
27thConrad Teixeira66+4567107105885
27thJohnny Canuck66+4567107106695
27thJon Wilford66+4567108105875
31stJudith Young65+416669136685
32ndJack Slane63+4067109136804
33rdAlex H62+396766105895
33rdHeather Styles62+3968109106805
33rdRobin M62+396710795684
33rdStephen R62+3968109116804
37thJohn Gillies61+3568107116805
37thMatt Conway61+3567107110884
39thJames Laverty60+336867106674
39thRoss Allatt60+33676896864
39thWilliam Whiteside60+336766115595
42ndDarran Prior59+3060106115894
42ndGerry Tynan59+3040109115695
42ndSteven Tew59+3066106100795
42ndTricia Lockhart59+30676795685
42ndZarte Siempre59+3067109116604
47thMatthew Tassier58+2567107105805
48thBen Hocking56+246610664774
48thGraeme Cole56+246787116605
48thLiam O56+246660136784
48thMatty Artell56+2467107056114
52ndAndrew Feist55+206069116665
52ndCallum Todd55+2068109105700
52ndChas Maxwell55+206769136800
52ndJim B55+206866106805
56thJason Turner54+166768104805
57thMark Tournoff52+156668135800
58thAnna W51+1460107115804
58thDave Noble51+14676664673
61stKaren Pearson49+1168109110005
62ndAndy SC45+10666604854
62ndEoin Jackson45+10373985604
62ndStewart Wintle45+10046685574
65thGary Francis Campbell44+7670880870
65thInnis Carson44+76809106005
65thMark Mills44+7676695500
68thTracey Mills42+4456670554
69thJohn Carpenter40+3436464463
70thFiona H36+2675500670
70thPeter J Clarke36+2240895044

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