Daily Duel results for 13 June 2014

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 68.
Maximum score: 70.
Team score: 70. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate38%22%18%37%74%62%65%
1stInnis Carson70+7210101010101010
1stMatt Hamer70+7210101010101010
3rdAndy Platt69+671010910101010
4thDave Mattingly68+66109910101010
4thRay Wilding68+66109910101010
4thTom Cappleman68+661081010101010
7thCallum Todd67+631010101010710
8thRobin M66+62109107101010
9thMatt OC65+6110997101010
9thScott Gillies65+6110997101010
11thTom Rowell64+5910897101010
12thGiles H62+581099710710
13thRichard Freeland60+571001010101010
14thBob De Caux59+56010910101010
14thIan Volante59+56091010101010
14thJack Slane59+56109101010010
14thJamie M59+56100910101010
14thZarte Siempre59+56109010101010
19thAndrew Swale58+51010810101010
19thChris Hare58+51010810101010
19thJack Worsley58+5110991010100
19thJim B58+5109910101010
23rdJohn Gillies57+4710890101010
24thMiriam Nussbaum56+4601097101010
25thJason Turner55+4501087101010
25thMarcus Hares55+450997101010
27thJoe Denniss54+430897101010
27thJohn Beresford54+4310101070710
27thMatthew Tassier54+430897101010
30thTony Atkins53+400887101010
31stDave Noble52+390877101010
31stPhil Collinge52+39099710107
33rdKaren Pearson51+37098710710
34thGraeme Cole50+36100100101010
35thGerry Tynan49+3501090101010
35thJohn Slater49+3500910101010
35thMark Tournoff49+3510109010010
35thMatthew Brockwell49+3509100101010
35thStephen R49+3500910101010
35thThomas Carey49+3510109001010
41stGevin Chapwell48+290990101010
41stMichelle N48+2910800101010
43rdJon Stitcher47+270891010100
43rdKeith B47+270891010010
45thJames Hurrell46+250097101010
45thMick Cockcroft46+2510877077
45thNorm Ahmad46+250091010710
48thJayne Wisniewski45+220897777
49thAmy C43+21088101070
50thBrett Davids41+2008901077
51stAnna W39+190997077
52ndAmie Bateen37+180100710100
53rdTricia Lockhart36+170877077
54thCake Tiger35+1610675070
55thKeith Williams34+15077100100
55thLiam O34+1508900710
57thTracey Mills33+1308801007
58thJames Laverty31+120897070
59thLorrie Bronsema27+1108900100
59thSean D27+1108901000
61stAnthony Endsor25+908700100
61stDarran Prior25+906901000
61stMr Cool25+910807000
65thMark James19+509100000
65thNathan Cullen19+501090000
67thShaun Hogg17+300710000
68thJudith Young16+20880000
69thS J15+10780000

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