Daily Duel results for 29 March 2014

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 68.
Maximum score: 79.
Team score: 79. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate18%43%13%12%10%37%75%28%
1stInnis Carson76+7010101091071010
3rdGerry Tynan67+68099910101010
3rdMatthew Brockwell67+680109810101010
5thChris Hare64+66010981010107
5thRahul Suresh64+66107980101010
5thRyan Taylor64+66101098071010
8thMatt Hamer62+6308981010107
9thMatthew Tassier61+62108670101010
10thRay Wilding60+6110109707107
11thRemi Benoit59+601010109001010
12thStephen R58+590101080101010
12thTom Cappleman58+591000810101010
14thGiles H56+57010880101010
15thKeith B55+56010870101010
16thGraeme Cole54+5501089010107
16thMark Tournoff54+55010680101010
16thScott Gillies54+5501098071010
19thJon Stitcher53+5210108801007
20thIan Volante52+51010570101010
21stMatt OC51+5001010707107
22ndLiam O50+491088701007
23rdGeorge Ford49+480769071010
23rdTony Atkins49+48098807107
23rdZarte Siempre49+48010109010100
26thAndrew Swale48+450786071010
26thAnglo Italian48+450768107010
28thPhil Makepeace47+4301098010100
29thAlan Young46+4207090101010
29thDave Mattingly46+4201088010100
31stAmie Bateen45+4001010800107
31stDarran Prior45+4010708001010
31stMarcus Hares45+400109907100
34thJim B44+371088801000
36thJohn Slater41+35089700107
36thShaun Hogg41+350777010100
38thJulie McCarthy39+33070807107
38thRob Mutter39+33086807100
40thJayne Wisniewski38+31079507100
40thPeter Sheehy38+31076807100
42ndJack Worsley37+290109800100
42ndJamie French37+290109801000
42ndMichelle N37+291010980000
45thJames Hurrell36+260907010100
45thJojo Apollo36+260109700100
45thLiam Tiernan36+260810800100
45thRichard Freeland36+260109000107
49thJack Slane35+22089801000
50thAnna W33+21009707100
50thDave Nicholson33+21079700100
52ndVladimir Dotsenko32+19080700107
53rdJoe Denniss29+180109000100
53rdPhil Collinge29+180900010100
55thBrett Davids28+160810000100
55thTracey Mills28+1608870050
57thAdam Finlay27+140100700100
57thJudith Young27+140101070000
59thJames Bailes24+12090500100
60thDave Noble23+1107540070
61stJohn Gillies22+1007870000
62ndTricia Lockhart21+907770000
63rdAmy C20+807760000
64thJames Laverty17+7070000100
64thJulia Hayward17+7000000107
66thLorrie Bronsema16+500970000
67thRhys Benjamin10+4000000100
67thS J10+4010000000
69thKeith Williams9+209000000
70thMuyiwa Aiyenuro0+100000000

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