Daily Duel results for 9 September 2013

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 29.
Maximum score: 60.
Team score: 60. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate38%72%97%3%76%41%
1stInnis Carson59+3110101091010
1stScott Gillies59+3110101091010
3rdDave Smith58+299101091010
3rdGiles H58+299101091010
3rdJohn Slater58+291010109109
3rdMark D58+291091091010
3rdPhil Collinge58+299101091010
8thMatthew Tassier57+24910109109
8thTom Cappleman57+24109109109
10thSid CC55+2299109810
10thTricia Lockhart55+22810109108
13thLiam Tiernan49+191010100109
13thNikki Roberts49+191010100109
13thSean D49+199101001010
13thSusan Morton49+190101010109
17thAlex Fish48+15109109100
17thAntoinette Ryan48+15010109109
17thKaren Pearson48+15010109109
17thRichard Freeland48+15010109109
17thTracey Mills48+151010100810
22ndJudith Young47+10108100109
22ndPeter Fenton47+10981001010
24thHeather Styles46+891010089
25thAnglo Italian45+7101010609
26thJohn Gillies39+6910100100
26thJon Stitcher39+6910100100
26thPhyl Styles39+6910100010
29thNathan Cullen36+39809010
31stDave Noble27+10010908

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