Daily Duel results for 16 August 2013

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 77.
Maximum score: 9.
Team score: 9. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate100%97%100%51%96%38%68%74%78%
1stBen Wilson9+83111111111
1stChas Maxwell9+83111111111
1stChris Hare9+83111111111
1stGerry Tynan9+83111111111
1stGiles H9+83111111111
1stHerbert Plank9+83111111111
1stInnis Carson9+83111111111
1stJoe Denniss9+83111111111
1stMarcus Hares9+83111111111
1stMark D9+83111111111
1stMatt Hamer9+83111111111
1stMatt OC9+83111111111
1stMatthew Brockwell9+83111111111
1stTom Cappleman9+83111111111
1stTom Rowell9+83111111111
16thAlex Fish8+65111110111
16thChris Davies8+65111011111
16thDave Mattingly8+65111011111
16thGraeme Cole8+65111110111
16thIan Volante8+65111101111
16thJamie French8+65111011111
16thKeith B8+65111011111
16thLiam Tiernan8+65101111111
16thMatthew Tassier8+65111011111
16thNathan Cullen8+65111111101
16thPhil Collinge8+65111111101
16thRay Wilding8+65111111110
16thRebecca Farren8+65111110111
16thRichard Freeland8+65111110111
16thRyan Taylor8+65111011111
16thStephen R8+65111111101
16thTony Atkins8+65111110111
35thAndrew Swale7+46111010111
35thAntoinette Ryan7+46111110101
35thDavid Barnard7+46111110101
35thDoris Fray7+46111110011
35thFiona H7+46111110110
35thFlorian Gray7+46111110011
35thJason Turner7+46111010111
35thJim B7+46111010111
35thJohn Gillies7+46111010111
35thJohn Slater7+46111010111
35thJon Stitcher7+46111010111
35thJulie McCarthy7+46111110110
35thMark James7+46111010111
35thNikki Roberts7+46111100111
35thPaul Sheppard7+46111010111
35thRichard Allan7+46111110011
35thScott Gillies7+46111011101
35thSean D7+46111110110
35thTracey Mills7+46111011101
54thAnglo Italian6+27111010011
54thCallum Todd6+27111010011
54thCiaran M6+27111010011
54thDave Smith6+27111010101
54thEdwin Mead6+27111010011
54thHeather Styles6+27111010101
54thJack Slane6+27111010011
54thJack Worsley6+27111110010
54thJayne Wisniewski6+27111010011
54thJudith Young6+27111110010
54thMatt Conway6+27111010101
54thPeter Wolf6+27111010011
54thRemi Benoit6+27111110010
67thAbdirizak Hirsi5+14111010001
67thAnna W5+14111010010
67thDamian Banks5+14111010001
67thDave Nicholson5+14111010010
67thDominic James5+14111110000
67thMick Cockcroft5+14111010001
67thRahul Suresh5+14101010110
74thDarran Prior4+7111010000
74thDave Noble4+7111010000
74thJames Bailes4+7111010000
74thS J4+7111010000
74thSam Hodkin4+7111010000
79thTricia Lockhart3+2111000000

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