Daily Duel results for 8 July 2013

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 81.
Maximum score: 53.
Team score: 53. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate21%4%48%65%1%19%
1stMartin Long53+871010671010
3rdMatt Hamer47+8210106777
3rdTom Cappleman47+8210767710
5thMark D44+801076777
6thGiles H42+797567710
6thNick Deller42+797767510
8thEoin M41+77776777
9thAndy Platt40+7610067710
9thGraeme Cole40+7610067710
9thJack Worsley40+7610067710
12thJulie McCarthy39+73774777
12thZarte Siempre39+73756777
14thAndrew Swale37+71774757
14thAntoinette Ryan37+717067710
14thInnis Carson37+711006777
14thJoe Denniss37+711006777
14thPhil Collinge37+717067710
14thScott Gillies37+711006777
20thMark James36+657066710
20thStephen R36+651006677
22ndDave Mattingly35+637047710
22ndJake Thornhill35+631004777
22ndMick Cockcroft35+631074077
25thAdam Gillard34+60706777
25thGerry Tynan34+60776707
25thJayne Wisniewski34+60706777
25thJim B34+60706777
25thJon Stitcher34+60776707
25thPaul Sheppard34+60706777
25thRobin M34+60706777
25thTony Atkins34+601005757
33rdIan Volante33+52775077
33rdMatt OC33+52705777
35thAnglo Italian32+50706775
35thJames Hurrell32+50704777
35thNathan Cullen32+50704777
35thPeter Wolf32+50704777
35thTracey Mills32+50704777
40thDave Smith31+45704677
40thRichard Allan31+45704677
42ndJonathan Rawlinson30+431006770
42ndRahul Suresh30+4301046010
44thRemi Benoit29+411006670
45thJamie French28+407047010
45thJojo Apollo28+400067510
45thNorm Ahmad28+401004077
48thKaren Pearson27+37706770
48thMarcus Hares27+37706770
50thPhyl Styles26+35705770
50thThomas Carey26+35706670
52ndAndrew Feist25+33704770
52ndChris Hare25+33706750
52ndCiaran M25+33704770
52ndFiona H25+33004777
56thAnna W24+29704670
56thDave Nicholson24+29704670
56thDave Noble24+29004677
56thEdwin Mead24+29704607
56thJohn Gillies24+29774600
56thLauren Hamer24+29704607
56thNigel Mercer24+29704670
56thRay Wilding24+29704607
64thMark Tournoff23+210067010
65thZiggy Davidson21+20770070
66thAbdirizak Hirsi20+19006770
66thJames Bailes20+19700670
66thKieran Bray20+19706007
66thMatthew Brockwell20+19706700
71stDamian Banks19+14706600
71stJohn Slater19+14705700
73rdJudith Young18+12704700
73rdPeter Fenton18+12704007
75thKev Anderson17+10704600
76thAaron Madeley16+9704500
77thSteven Tew14+8700700
78thLiam Tiernan13+7006700
79thBarry French11+6704000
79thJack Slane11+6004700
79thPaul James11+6704000
79thSean D11+6004700
79thTricia Lockhart11+6704000

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