Daily Duel results for 26 March 2013

Hywel Morgan

Hywel Morgan Well done Rachel and Suresh on solving the final round. Great efforts.

Andy Platt

Andy Platt I'm not saying anything

Kevin Stoba

Kevin Stoba I've just worked out how the final round works. So if we have a 4L duel with 24-hour-long rounds, WATCH YOUR BACKS.

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 100.
Maximum score: 6.
Team score: 6. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate100%100%98%49%54%1%
2ndAhmed M5+103111110
2ndAndy Platt5+103111110
2ndChris Marshall5+103111110
2ndEdwin Mead5+103111110
2ndElliot Bowker5+103111110
2ndGerry Tynan5+103111110
2ndGevin Chapwell5+103111110
2ndHarry Newton5+103111110
2ndInnis Carson5+103111110
2ndJack Worsley5+103111110
2ndJason Turner5+103111110
2ndJayne Wisniewski5+103111110
2ndJimmy Porter5+103111110
2ndJohn Slater5+103111110
2ndJojo Apollo5+103111110
2ndJonathan Wynn5+103111110
2ndJudith Young5+103111110
2ndKeith B5+103111110
2ndLauren Hamer5+103111110
2ndMark D5+103111110
2ndMark Tournoff5+103111110
2ndMartin Long5+103111110
2ndMatt Hamer5+103111110
2ndMatt OC5+103111110
2ndNick Deller5+103111110
2ndNikki Roberts5+103111110
2ndPaul James5+103111110
2ndRahul Suresh5+103111101
2ndRichard Brittain5+103111110
2ndSam Buxton5+103111110
2ndScott Gillies5+103111110
2ndStephen R5+103111110
2ndTom Rowell5+103111110
37thAndrew Millman4+68111100
37thBen Wilson4+68111100
37thChris Davies4+68111100
37thChris Hare4+68111010
37thDarran Prior4+68111010
37thDavid Barnard4+68111100
37thDerek Hughes4+68111010
37thFiona H4+68111100
37thGiles H4+68111100
37thGraeme Cole4+68111100
37thHywel Morgan4+68111010
37thIan Volante4+68111010
37thJames Bailes4+68111010
37thJames Hurrell4+68111010
37thJim B4+68111100
37thJohn Gillies4+68111010
37thJon Stitcher4+68111100
37thJulie McCarthy4+68111010
37thKaren Pearson4+68111010
37thKeith Williams4+68111010
37thLiam Tiernan4+68111100
37thLorrie Bronsema4+68111010
37thMarcus Hares4+68111010
37thMatt Conway4+68111100
37thMatthew Tassier4+68111010
37thMick Cockcroft4+68111010
37thPhilip Jarvis4+68111010
37thPhyl Styles4+68111010
37thRay Wilding4+68111010
37thRemi Benoit4+68111100
37thRobin M4+68111100
37thSid CC4+68111010
37thStewart Scott4+68111100
37thSusan Morton4+68111100
37thThomas Carey4+68111010
37thTracey Mills4+68111100
37thZarte Siempre4+68111010
37thZiggy Davidson4+68111010
76thAbdirizak Hirsi3+29111000
76thAndrew Swale3+29111000
76thAnglo Italian3+29111000
76thAnna W3+29111000
76thChris Butler3+29111000
76thDave Mattingly3+29111000
76thDave Noble3+29111000
76thDave Smith3+29111000
76thDicky Boy3+29111000
76thJames Hall3+29111000
76thJoe Denniss3+29111000
76thMark James3+29111000
76thMary Lauren3+29111000
76thMatthew Brockwell3+29111000
76thNathan Cullen3+29111000
76thNigel Mercer3+29111000
76thNorm Ahmad3+29111000
76thPeter Flynn3+29111000
76thPhil Collinge3+29111000
76thRoss Allatt3+29111000
76thRyan Taylor3+29111000
76thS J3+29111000
76thSam Cappleman-Lynes3+29111000
76thSean D3+29111000
76thTom Cappleman3+29111000
76thTony Atkins3+29111000
76thTricia Lockhart3+29111000
103rdJames Leroux2+2110000
103rdJames Reeve2+2110000

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