Daily Duel results for 19 April 2012

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 88.
Maximum score: 59.
Team score: 59. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate36%14%6%56%20%2%64%55%
1stBob De Caux58+8958789768
2ndAdam Gillard56+8848789668
2ndChris Hare56+8848689768
2ndHerbert Plank56+8848779768
2ndJosh Hurst56+8858687868
6thMatt Hamer55+8458687768
7thInnis Carson54+8338689668
7thMark Tournoff54+8358587768
7thNick Deller54+8357687768
7thOli Moore54+8356679768
7thTracey Mills54+8347689668
7thZarte Siempre54+8357679767
13thAndrew Feist53+7757687767
13thMark James53+7747687768
13thMatthew Tassier53+7757687767
16thJen Steadman52+7456687668
16thMartin Smith52+7457677767
16thMatt OC52+7457685768
16thMichelle N52+7456587768
16thThomas Carey52+7456676868
21stAndrew Gedney51+6947677668
21stDave Mattingly51+6946687767
21stJayne Wisniewski51+6956687766
21stKaren Pearson51+6947686668
21stMarcus Hares51+6958687557
21stMiriam Nussbaum51+6957687657
21stNorm Ahmad51+6947489748
21stRyan Taylor51+6936687768
30thGraeme Cole50+6037687658
30thIan Volante50+6056667668
30thJim B50+6007787768
30thJules Joss50+6007679768
30thTom Cappleman50+6007689668
30thTom Rowell50+6056687747
36thGerry Tynan49+5407679668
36thHeather Styles49+5446677667
36thJulie McCarthy49+5446687567
36thMark D49+5408479768
36thPeter Lee49+5458089667
36thScott Gillies49+5407687768
42ndAlex R48+4837677558
42ndJames Hurrell48+4846089768
42ndJames Reeve48+4857087768
42ndTony Atkins48+4857087768
46thDinos Sfyris47+4447789750
46thJamie French47+4407687766
46thJon Wells47+4456667656
49thAmie Bateen46+4157687760
49thAndrew Keith46+4146087768
49thEdwin Mead46+4106687667
49thMartyn Neads46+4147467666
49thSimon Myers46+4107677658
49thSteven Tew46+4107677658
55thDamian Banks45+3556077668
55thJojo Apollo45+3550487768
55thRob Don45+3557646647
55thRobin M45+3506487767
59thNathan Cullen44+3107089767
59thPhil Collinge44+3147486654
61stBen Maggie43+2906666757
61stDaniel Milward43+2946607668
61stMartin Long43+2907687708
61stPhyl Styles43+2948059647
65thNikki Roberts42+2507687068
65thTom Leslie42+2545656457
67thJames Rutter41+2307086767
68thJudith Young40+2206687760
69thKeith Williams39+2157007668
69thMatt Conway39+2156080767
71stKeith B38+1906687650
71stVictor Kamenski38+1906087557
73rdDave Smith37+1746606456
73rdElliot Bowker37+1747406556
73rdJohn Gillies37+1756070757
73rdMary Lauren37+1750667607
73rdPeter Wolf37+1756606068
73rdRoss Allatt37+1706657067
79thMichael Lachime36+1147606058
80thMir Tynan35+1046663046
81stFiona H33+906606654
82ndMaxine Silkstone31+807077640
82ndTony Smith31+806007648
84thJason Turner30+646600608
84thSamir Pilica30+607087008
86thBarry French29+406670046
87thHorace Horlicks26+306000668
88thS J23+246050008
89thRebecca Farren19+106005440

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