Daily Duel results for 25 March 2012

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 93.
Maximum score: 49.
Team score: 48. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate22%41%77%0%43%20%
1stInnis Carson48+9510786710
1stJosh Hurst48+9510786710
1stMark D48+9510786710
5thBen Wilson47+9110686710
5thChris Hare47+9110786610
5thDan McColm47+9110785710
5thGraeme Cole47+9110785710
9thGiles H46+8710685710
10thTom Cappleman45+8610686510
11thAdam Gillard38+851078670
11thAndrew Feist38+851078670
11thJon Elmer38+850786710
11thMarcus Hares38+850786710
15thAhmed M37+810786610
15thJames Hurrell37+810785710
15thJames Reeve37+811078570
15thJames Robinson37+810785710
15thJonathan Rawlinson37+811078570
15thMark Tournoff37+810785710
15thMartin Long37+811078660
15thMatt OC37+811078570
15thMatthew Tassier37+811068670
15thScott Gillies37+811078570
15thSimon Myers37+810786610
15thSusan Morton37+811078570
27thEdwin Mead36+691068570
27thMatt Hamer36+690685710
29thJojo Apollo35+671078550
29thMark James35+670785510
29thMartin Smith35+670686510
32ndLiam Tiernan28+64078670
33rdAmie Bateen27+63078570
33rdBob De Caux27+63078570
33rdGerry Tynan27+63068670
33rdJayne Wisniewski27+63078570
33rdJen Steadman27+63068670
33rdJudith Young27+63078570
33rdMatt Conway27+63078660
33rdOli Moore27+63068670
33rdS J27+63078570
42ndBen Maggie26+54068660
42ndElliot Bowker26+54068660
42ndJohn Gillies26+54068570
42ndNathan Cullen26+54068570
42ndNick Deller26+54068570
42ndTracey Mills26+54078650
48thIan Volante25+48078550
48thJon Wells25+48068560
48thJulie McCarthy25+48078550
48thKaren Pearson25+48058570
48thLindsay Corser25+48078550
48thRoss Allatt25+48068650
48thSteven Tew25+48048670
48thTom Rowell25+48058570
48thTony Atkins25+48076570
57thAdam Dexter24+39066660
57thAnglo Italian24+39068550
57thDave Smith24+39048660
57thJason Turner24+39068550
57thKeith B24+39068550
57thMary Lauren24+39066570
57thMaxine Silkstone24+39068550
57thMiriam Nussbaum24+39068550
57thNikki Roberts24+39068550
57thPaul Sheppard24+39068550
57thPeter Wolf24+39068550
57thPhyl Styles24+39068550
57thRob Don24+39068550
57thRobin M24+39068550
71stChris Enado23+25066560
71stDave Mattingly23+25066650
71stHeather Styles23+25066560
71stJamie French23+25058550
75thChris Marshall22+21066550
75thJames Konddoo22+21066550
75thSamir Pilica22+21078070
78thAndrew Gedney21+18078600
78thJack Morgan21+18065550
78thJohn Slater21+18056550
81stAlex R20+15064550
81stAndrew Millman20+15065450
81stDamian Banks20+15078500
81stThomas Carey20+15068600
85thMir Tynan18+11058500
87thDavid Maddams17+9006560
87thKieran Bray17+9066500
89thMark Ivey16+7006550
90thFiona H15+6050550
91stHorace Horlicks12+5060600
92ndFraser Allatt11+4060500
92ndTom Leslie11+4006500
92ndVictor Kamenski11+4000560
95thKeith Williams0+1000000

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