Daily Duel results for 1 December 2011

This table shows the Duel results as they were processed at the time. Deleted and discounted games are not shown, so the ordinal numbering may not be consecutive.

Entries: 91.
Maximum score: 43.
Team score: 43. (Total of best score in each round.)

Rank Player Game
Round-by-round breakdown...
Max rate44%60%20%7%60%44%
1stInnis Carson43+951055887
1stScott Gillies43+951055887
4thAdam Gillard42+891055787
4thEoin M42+891055787
4thGiles H42+891055787
4thMark Tournoff42+891055787
4thMatt Hamer42+891055787
4thTom Cappleman42+891055787
10thMarcus Hares41+831055786
10thNick Deller41+83955787
12thChris Hare40+81855787
13thJames Robinson38+801050887
13thRyan Taylor38+801005887
15thGary Shaw37+781050787
15thJen Steadman37+781050787
15thLesley Hines37+781050787
15thMark James37+781050787
15thMatt OC37+781050877
15thTom Chafer-Cook37+781050787
21stBrendan Duke36+721050786
21stDan McColm36+721050786
21stDan Seasmith36+721050786
21stDave Mattingly36+721050777
21stGerry Tynan36+721050786
21stIan Volante36+721050786
21stJames Reeve36+721050777
21stLiam Tiernan36+721050786
21stPeter Wolf36+721050777
30thAndrew Millman35+631050776
30thDominic M35+631050785
30thJames Fry35+63950777
30thJames Leroux35+63950786
30thKaren Pearson35+63950777
30thMir Tynan35+631050776
30thNorm Ahmad35+63950777
37thEdwin Mead34+56905776
37thElliot Bowker34+56950686
37thMatthew Tassier34+56950686
37thSadie Flayeh34+56950776
41stFiona H33+52950676
41stJames Levison33+52950685
41stJamie French33+521050675
41stJon Wells33+52850776
41stLauren Hamer33+52850785
41stSimon Myers33+52055887
47thAhmed M32+46055787
47thBen Cooke32+461000787
47thJim B32+461000787
47thPhil Collinge32+461000787
51stAmie Bateen31+42055786
51stJack Worsley31+421000786
51stJon Elmer31+42900787
51stKeith B31+421000777
51stTom Rowell31+42900787
51stTracey Mills31+421000786
57thAntoinette Ryan30+361000686
57thMatt Moody30+36900786
57thPeter Lee30+361000776
57thRobin M30+361000776
57thSusan Morton30+361000776
62ndJonathan Rawlinson29+31055685
63rdCharlie Reams27+30050787
63rdJames Jarad27+30800676
63rdMatt Morrison27+30050787
63rdNathan Cullen27+30050787
67thAndy Platt26+26050687
68thChris Butler25+25050776
68thElly Young25+25050686
68thSamir Pilica25+25050776
68thThomas Carey25+25005776
72ndMichelle N24+21050676
73rdRory Leung23+20900770
74thMatt Conway22+19000787
75thChris Marshall21+18800706
75thFarhan Ahmed21+18000786
75thJayne Wisniewski21+18000777
75thJohn Gillies21+18000777
75thJulie McCarthy21+18000777
75thSteven Tew21+18000786
81stDamian Banks20+12000776
81stGrant Waters20+12000785
81stMaxine Silkstone20+12000686
81stNiall Seymour20+12000785
81stPhyl Styles20+12000686
86thJason Turner19+7000676
86thLorrie Bronsema19+7000676
86thMatthew Knowles19+7000676
86thSuzie Drew19+7000676
90thMartin Smith17+3050606
91stKeith Williams0+2000000
91stTony Atkins0+2000000

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