Fiona T

Fiona T 6 days left - might be a good time to aptomail your opponent - please copy me in if you do

Fiona T

Fiona T 4 days left - most people are arranging games. If you and your opponent do not make an effort to arrange a game (and copy me in) then neither will advance - I will give the bye to your next round opponent, so please make an effort!

Fiona T

Fiona T Last day for R1 matches - any problems getting them played then please let me know

Brett Davids

Brett Davids Fiona - Sarah and I have managed to play two games but have one remaining and I’m out tonight - any chance of a couple of days grace to get the decider done?

Fiona T

Fiona T sure - can you agree a definite time with her please?

Tourney round: The Phil Collinge Memorial Tournament for Seniors 2025: Round 1

<< Sign-ups | Round 2 >>

Notes from the organizer: The seniors draw took place in aptochat this afternoon. Thank you to George and Matthew for their assistance.

The 8 seeded players according to pro-ranks are -

1) Tim Down (last year's winner)
2) Neil Collins
3) Matt OC
4) Patrick Thompson
5) Mike Lee
6) Matthew Tassier
7) Darren Godfrey
8) Sean D

Everyone else has been drawn in a random order, and added to challonge in that position, so effectively the first player drawn becomes seed 9, etc.

The bracket can be found at

Matches are best of 3, until the quarter finals onwards when they will be best of 5. You have approx. 2 weeks to play each match - please include me on any aptomails that you use to arrange a time. I will add next round games once they are ready.

Good luck all!

Ran from: 1 – 16 January 2025. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: Best-of-3. Approved.

Organizers: Fiona T.

Fixtures: 17. Completed: 16.

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Page generated in 0.0291 seconds. It's 18:07:38 on Saturday 18 January 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.