Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Is there any leniency at all with doing this round in a single sitting Andy?

Andy SC

Andy SC I could allow leniency but it will require the players to let me know when they are not doing it in one sitting. So it's easier to check the chat logs.

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall OK cheers, I don't plan on breaking, but if I need to I will make sure it's not around a numbers round, will announce in chat and update you via AM.

Adrian Fletcher

Adrian Fletcher Damn you John

John Beresford

John Beresford Done half the run and just paused it now. Left a note in the chat log also.

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Adam Latchford

Adam Latchford Can I get an item reward for qualifying for this round without even playing the last one?

Andy SC

Andy SC You did request for it to be added so you could play the two rounds back to back but think you possibly got muddled up.

Andy SC

Andy SC Round 13 complete.

Matt takes the Strongest Link title by 42-points with a score of 740.

Dan is saved at the last minute due to a no play from Jason. Jason, you are the Weakest Link. Thanks for playing.

Andy SC

Andy SC Round 13 complete.

Matt takes the Strongest Link title by 42-points with a score of 740.

Dan is saved at the last minute due to a no play from Jason. Jason, you are the Weakest Link. Thanks for playing.

Jason Turner

Jason Turner Holidays called. thanks for organising andy. look forward to the next one

Tourney round: People's Choice Weakest Link 2024: Round 13: Old Mocktorun

<< Round 12: Russian 15 | Round 14: Omelette 15 >>

Notes from the organizer: Player picking: John Aziz
Format: Old Mocktorun
Bot: Apterous Rex

Games should be played in a single sitting (barring unforeseen problems), after all there's no passing and coming back later in The Weakest Link. This also helps makes things easier for me to keep track of. Points deduction may be applied at the organisers discretion. If there is an issue with playing the game in one sitting then it's the players responsibility to let me know.

Lowest scoring player will be eliminated. If there is a tie for lowest scoring player then overall tournament score will be taken into account. If there is still a tie then everyone will advance. If at least half the players score 0 then everyone will advance.

Tournament progression can be followed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15PFXM_S-O2R9QqmhI1YLLWcobTjXfTxSIrS2t7u8O0E/edit?gid=172327128#gid=172327128

Ran from: 6 – 12 July 2024. Format: Old Mocktorun. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andy SC.

Fixtures: 27. Completed: 26.

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