Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Hi Dave can I pleqse withdraw from this tourney? Thank you.

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell And all games within this one?

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall No probs. Sorry to see you go.

Martin Hurst

Martin Hurst He's joined LIV

Tourney round: APGA Tour 2024: 2. WM Phoenix Open: Round 2

<< 2. WM Phoenix Open: Round 1 | 3. Mexico Open: Round 1 >>

Notes from the organizer: Scottsdale has seen all manner of real-life dog-fights in recent times, with 5 of the last 8 Phoenix Open’s being decided via a play-off.

So, what better format than a Dogfight Letters Attack to separate the field. This time Caesar will be your opponent.

Remember - your margin of victory / defeat will be added to your margin from Round 1 to decide positions in the tournament. Any ties will be decided by the most maxes achieved in Round 2, then in Round 1, then the quickest time of conundrum solve in Round 1 if needed.

Early World No. 1 T-Cap is top of the pile again at the midway point, closely pursued by Dave R and Florence. Mike and Anthony the only other players to post a win against Velvet. Can Tom hold his nerve and make it two from two (round 1 scores appear in fixture notes below)?

Full standings -

I’ve offered four people a few hours extension on round 1, which will lapse at Midday (8th Feb)

As always, good luck.

Ran from: 8 – 11 February 2024. Format: Dogfight Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Kempshall.

Fixtures: 37. Completed: 37.

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