Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell And well done to the 3 players that doubled scores - Johnny, Stu and Adam. But taking the win was JOHNNY CANUCK with 188 percentage points - or 94% - nice work, and that was the one to seal the win!

Tourney round: Marathon of March: Final Junior Stage - Lockdown Jnr 15

<< Final Junior Stage - Junior 15 | Final Junior Stage - Touchdown Jnr 15 >>

Notes from the organizer: A Lockdown Jnr 15 is next up against Velvet. As ever, you will have 7 days to play this - either from the start date posted, or the day the fixtures are added if it's approved late. Please try to play these games in one sitting.

This is a mix between LOCKDOWN and JUNIOR, so
Junior rules: LETTERS are a selection of 7, NUMBERS are 5 numbers with target between 11 and 100 and large 10, and CONUNDRUMS are 7 letters and generally common words. In Lockdown LETTERS you must use the first and last (in red) NUMBERS you must use the red number and CONUNDRUMS 8 letters are shown with a 7 letter word being the answer.

Scoring will be a percentage of the maximum score, except anyone who scores over 75% will be rewarded by getting their percentage points doubled.
Also there will be no more twists for the final 2 games, so from this point it can be calculated whether you can hit the top spot, be in the top 5 or have an impossible chance of winning.

The spreadsheet tracking scores is attached HERE: It also contains some rules/guidelines.
If you see your scores are wrong in the spreadsheet, just put a comment on your game.

Of course, any questions - just ask!

Good luck!

Ran from: 29 March – 4 April 2023. Format: Lockdown Jnr 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Bailey Cowell.

Fixtures: 20. Completed: 20.

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