Elizabeth Beer

Elizabeth Beer Just to clarify, non decs are ok? So if you can't find a suitable word, just leaving it blank is ok?

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier Absolutely, blank is fine.

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Jason Larsen

Jason Larsen That was a tough first round. The letter M didn't come up until much later than I expected!

Elwin Carlos

Elwin Carlos Unlucky Jason. Remember, it's touchdown so you can swap an existing letter for one of your choice. :)

Fi Thorne

Fi Thorne That was fun! :-)

Sean D

Sean D That was tough enough in Touch Junior, I dread to think what its gonna be like in other formats!

Matthew Tassier

Matthew Tassier There's something very pleasing about opening a game and seeing everything in alphabetical order!
Well done to Dave for being the top player this round using some advanced alphabetical technique. Mike and Fiona are poised just 2 points behind.

Tourney round: Alphabetical - Bot Challenge: Round A - Touchdown Junior

<< Sign-up page | Round B - Junior >>

Notes from the organizer: Welcome to the tournament and Round A in Touchdown Junior format. The touchdown formats should be pretty useful in Alphabetical, always giving you the option to swap a letter for one that you need to keep your game alphabetical. You have 4 days to play this round.

Alphabetical rules:
Your submitted words must be in alphabetical order through each game. Any word submitted that is alphabetically before a word used in an earlier round of the game will be ignored. Also, any word submitted twice during a game, whether valid or not, will be ignored. This effectively gives an option to cancel out a word from a previous round that you realise shouldn't have been submitted. Any queries, please ask.

Standard scoring for all words that pass the alphabetical rules. Your total score for this round will be added to the other rounds to find our overall winner.
Scores will appear here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G9sCwj41skzWTfJPeBbKXU1DIdqXNh1aBRtQYfHM0L4/edit?usp=sharing

Good luck!

Ran from: 20 – 23 March 2023. Format: Touchdown Jnr Letters Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matthew Tassier.

Fixtures: 27. Completed: 27.

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