Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Of course, any questions just ask :-)

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Commenting here as this is no longer "awaiting approval" - imagine a few others are in the same boat of it no longer appearing as new because we clicked on it earlier when we couldn't sign up!

Looking forward to it :)

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Dave - quick question - can you approve tourneys as well as Chrali or is it only him?

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns It's only Charlie as far as I know, just gotta host a couple and then you'll likely get an owl licence though :)

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Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Hi Dave - how do I remove a tourney game if I have added it to a tourney by accident?

Thank you

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns As far as I know, you can't (imagine Charlie can but it's not a big issue, just leave it)

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Sign-ups close in just over 5 days so now’s the time to add yourself if you want to participate

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell IMPORTANT: I've just closed sign-up to the tourney. If anyone else wants to sign-up now, please send me an aptomail before 00:01 26/02/2023

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell FYI I've also added myself as a participant to this to round the numbers up to 25 and see how I get on compared with you guys - I'm well up for the challenge!

Tourney round: Marathon of March: Sign-Ups

The Easy Stage - Duckdown 15 >>

Notes from the organizer: Welcome to the inaugural 'Marathon of March' tourney!

This will be a competition featuring 31 different 15-rounder formats, all to be played against different bots. These will be categorised over 6 distinct stages: Modern Foreign Languages, Hyper-Hard, Junior, Super-Speed, Easy and a Mystery stage (oooooh...).

Scoring for each game will be expressed as a PERCENTAGE of the maximum, to make things fair in case one player has a really low max and another a high max so no-one is at a disadvantage based on pickings, and the total overall score will be the total percentage points; in the event of a tie-breaker, the highest amount of correctly solved conundrums will determine the overall winner.
Each stage will be released on a certain day and players MUST play all their games in one stage before commencing the next one. Once a stage is released, players will have up to 7 days to play their games.

Of course, there will be twists and turns along the way, to make things interesting and suspenseful.

Sign-Ups will open on February 1st and I will close them on February 25th, to allow for potential players to prepare.

Ran from: 1 – 25 February 2023. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Bailey Cowell.

Signed up: Ian Volante, Tom Cappleman, Johnny Canuck, Claire Spinks, Steven Oldham, George Armstrong, Edward Ashcroft, Fiona T, Owen Carroll, Dave Robjohns, Elwin Carlos, Maria Chandler, Dave Kempshall, John Doherty, Darren Godfrey, Damian McEvoy, Dan Spinks, Stu Harkness, Adam Latchford, Fi Thorne, Florence C-L, Piaras Last-Name, Mark O'Regan, Viraj Seelam.

Fixtures: 1. Completed: 1.

Results and fixtures

Player 1Player 2Status
Jason LarsenJohn Carpenter71 – 39

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

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