Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns To clarify, signups are open for a week rather than aptoleague taking a one year break :P

Season 19 will be exactly 6 weeks, with a few days between 18 ending & 19 starting to suit my work pattern.

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley Hi Dave. I don't think your spreadsheets work when viewed on a mobile. Season 18 doesn't show up to date, and season 19 provisionall list is blank.



Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Both seemed fine from my phone so not really sure why that is! Think it's a google sheets thing rather than anything I can fix unfortunately, hopefully it sorts itself out

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley OK thanks Dave

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Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley It seems I've got 2 Gmail accounts. Used the other one and it was up to date.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Actual cut-off for Season 18 will be 8am on Friday 16th, although I doubt that'll make much difference! (just at work until then and there's no easy way to filter through games before and after midnight)

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley Do we need to sign up for season 19 or are we automatically entered. I'm not very good but don't want to miss out.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Automatic as normal :)

Stephen Elsley

Stephen Elsley Thank you

Tourney round: AptoLeague: Season 19 Signups

<< S18 Division 6 | S19 Premier League >>

Notes from the organizer: AptoLeague's 19th season will start on 20th December

For those unfamiliar with the format, it works as a league system, with promotions and relegations at the end of each 'season' (~6 weeks).

Season 19 will begin on 20th December, and is set to end on 31st January.

The 84 players involved in Season 18 will automatically be entered into next season unless they tell me otherwise, provided they have played most of their games.

The provisional list of entries can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1djGbeicJlRloaCsNuFY-USGIKGUrIUVcRizv0tRDQNQ/edit#gid=1116948307

Ran from: 12 – 20 December 2022. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Signed up: Derek Matthews, Chloe Green, Tasneem Rana, Sarah M.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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