Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Thanks for sign-ups. Will get the first fixture up tomorrow.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison First fixture up. I'll note the date the fixture gets added on the notes, which should hopefully help the contestants, me, and anyone else who wants to pester the players to know when things should be played by (maximum of 5 days from listing).

Will take more sign-ups for the next couple of weeks or whatever feels right, and anyone joining will be added randomly into the running order.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Will leave signups open until the New Year. Though probably makes sense to limit to 50 as well? So whichever happens sooner.

Andres S.

Andres S. Gave this a wiki page too to keep some tradition:

Felt like this was the right thing to do. Lmk if there's anything wrong with it.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison didn't pay much attention (any attention) over xmas so sign ups have gone over 50. I'll DEFINITELY CLOSE SIGN UPS LATER TODAY.

Bailey Cowell

Bailey Cowell Does anyoen know what happens if the persn you're meant to eb playign against hasn't shown up for 5 days?

Rhys Benjamin

Rhys Benjamin You go round to their house and play them on the board game instead.

Jason Larsen

Jason Larsen Ian, when would you like to play our game?

Show all comments
Jason Larsen

Jason Larsen Anthony, when would you like to play our game?

Anthony Endsor

Anthony Endsor Jason, if you're on later today we can get it played then.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Apologies for the mild delay. Haven't got my spreadsheet with the random order with me. Will get next fixture up late tonight.

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison I know we've had some frustrating slowdowns of late but bear with my while my own disorganisation causes another. Just moved house and need to set up my PC with the running order on it, but have an ouchy foot and everything taking a bit longer than ideal to get round to. xx

Matt Morrison

Matt Morrison Sam-Philip is the final fixture. Finals are set.

League Table

Highlighted players are the current finalists.

Callum Todd4482
Ronan M Higginson4475
Zohaib Rehan4470
Dave Kempshall4422
Tom Cappleman3474
Matt Gould3388
Johnny Canuck3326
Thomas Carey2357
George Armstrong2326
Ian Volante2317
Ben Wilson2305
Matt Morrison2259
Ethan H1232
Stu Harkness1221
Andres S.1215
Dan Byrom1199
Hazel Drury1195
Anthony Endsor1166
Jason Larsen1159
Sam Cappleman-Lynes1110
Steven Grady0127
Robin M0100
Matthew Brockwell098
Kieran Bray096
Wesley Barton095
James Haughton095
Perry Sarb094
Matthew Tassier093
Marcus Hares093
Darren Godfrey092
Rhys Benjamin092
Adam Dexter092
Graeme Cole092
Dave Robjohns089
Adam Latchford085
Fiona T084
Adrian Fletcher084
Philip Aston079
Bailey Cowell079
Mark O'Regan078
Edward Ashcroft076
M S R075
James Hurrell072
J Bartram065
Mike Lee063
Alex Williamson062
Andy SC052
Dan Spinks050
Heather Badcock037

Tourney round: aptoSOS: 08

<< 07.Finals | 08.Finals >>

Notes from the organizer: Back for (maybe just) one more, because I'm a glutton for punishment. Let's see how the new apterous crowd gets on with it.

Series 8 of aptoSOS, the kind-of simulation of a series of real-life Countdown.

Time limit: a 5 DAY turnaround per match. A one-time 2-3 DAY extension is available for any player with a decent reason.

All players eligible to enter this one. No one excluded. Random and secretive draw as usual.

Tetrachamps or quadrachamps or whatever you want to call them, I don't care. 4 winsers.

I'll wait until we have a minimum of 32 players before kicking off and leave signups open for a short bit after the start.

There's no reigning champion this time round, as James Haughton completed his 4 wins in the final fixture of last season's regular fixtures and squeezed himself right into the finals at the last possible moment.

Ran from: 30 November 2022 – 19 June 2023. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Matt Morrison.

Signed up: Ben Wilson, Jason Larsen, Ian Volante, James Hurrell, Tom Cappleman, Adam Dexter, Matthew Tassier, Matt Morrison, Marcus Hares, Heather Badcock, Johnny Canuck, Graeme Cole, Rhys Benjamin, Robin M, Thomas Carey, Kieran Bray, Mike Lee, Matthew Brockwell, Sam Cappleman-Lynes, Anthony Endsor, Callum Todd, Philip Aston, Andy SC, James Haughton, Hazel Drury, Andrew Hypes, Dan Byrom, George Armstrong, Edward Ashcroft, Zohaib Rehan, Fiona T, Ronan M Higginson, Dave Robjohns, M S R, Dave Kempshall, Darren Godfrey, Dan Spinks, Wesley Barton, Stu Harkness, J Bartram, Andres S., Jeremy F, Adam Latchford, Steven Grady, Alex Williamson, Perry Sarb, Mark O'Regan, Matt Gould, Adrian Fletcher, Bailey Cowell, Arthur P, Ethan H, Harrison Robson, Jackson Raab, Al Brown.

Fixtures: 43. Completed: 43.

Results and fixtures

NotesPlayer 1Player 2Status
No reigning champion. Added 14/12/22.Dan SpinksAndres S.50 – 96
Andres (1) - 14/12/22Stu HarknessAndres S.121 – 119
Stu (1) - 20/12/22Tom CapplemanStu Harkness124 – 100
Tom (1) - 23/12/22Tom CapplemanWesley Barton134 – 95
Tom (2) - 02/01/23Tom CapplemanEdward Ashcroft115 – 76
Tom (3) - 04/01/23Tom CapplemanHazel Drury101 – 107
Hazel (1) - 06/01/23Hazel DruryRonan M Higginson88 – 115
Ronan (1) - 09/01/23James HaughtonRonan M Higginson95 – 112
Ronan (2) - 15/01/23Ronan M HigginsonPerry Sarb120 – 94
Ronan (3) - 19/01/23Andy SCRonan M Higginson52 – 128
Ronan (4) - 24/01/23Matt MorrisonAdrian Fletcher94 – 84
Matt (1) - 20/01/23 (oops ^)Matt MorrisonBailey Cowell92 – 79
Matt (2) - 25/01/23Matt MorrisonDan Byrom73 – 106
Dan (1) - 26/01/23Callum ToddDan Byrom116 – 93
Callum (1) - 28/01/23James HurrellCallum Todd72 – 127
Callum (2) - 02/02/23Robin MCallum Todd100 – 128
Callum (3) - 06/02/23Marcus HaresCallum Todd93 – 111
Callum (4) - 09/02/23Adam DexterEthan H92 – 128
Ethan (1) - 13/02/23Thomas CareyEthan H116 – 104
Thomas (1) - 20/02/23Thomas CareySteven Grady142 – 127
Thomas (2) - 23/02/23Thomas CareyGeorge Armstrong99 – 107
George (1) - 23/02/23Matthew TassierGeorge Armstrong93 – 111
George (2) - 27/02/23Ben WilsonGeorge Armstrong115 – 108
Ben (1) - 27/02/23Ben WilsonFiona T114 – 84
Ben (2) - 05/03/23Ben WilsonMatt Gould76 – 87
Matt (1) - 09/03/23Alex WilliamsonMatt Gould62 – 118
Matt (2) - 17/03/23Rhys BenjaminMatt Gould92 – 102
Matt (3) - 21/03/23Ian VolanteMatt Gould104 – 81
Ian (1) - 26/03/23Ian VolanteHeather Badcock142 – 37
Ian (2) - 30/03/23Jason LarsenIan Volante80 – 71
Jason (1) - 01/04/23Jason LarsenAnthony Endsor79 – 92
Anthony (1) - 04/04/23Anthony EndsorZohaib Rehan74 – 108
Zohaib (1) - 12/04/23Graeme ColeZohaib Rehan92 – 114
Zohaib (2) - 15/04/23Zohaib RehanJ Bartram120 – 65
Zohaib (3) - 16/04/23Zohaib RehanAdam Latchford128 – 85
Zohaib (4) - 20/04/23Johnny CanuckMike Lee104 – 63
Johnny (1) - 24/04/23Johnny CanuckDave Robjohns120 – 89
Johnny (2) - 30/04/23Johnny CanuckDarren Godfrey102 – 92
Johnny (3) - 13/05/23 - withdrew 24/05/23M S RDave Kempshall75 – 96
Dave (1) - 01/06/23Dave KempshallMark O'Regan103 – 78
Dave (2) - 03/06/23Matthew BrockwellDave Kempshall98 – 102
Dave (3) - 03/06/23Kieran BrayDave Kempshall96 – 121
Dave (4) - 15/06/23 (after 1 removal)Sam Cappleman-LynesPhilip Aston110 – 79

Key. Green: winner. Red: loser. Grey: tie. (Stripes: provisional, match in progress.)

This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with Channel 4, the makers of Countdown, or any person associated with the aforementioned in any way whatsoever at all, never has been, never will be, and moreover is proud not to be. Yep.

Page generated in 0.0441 seconds. It's 18:31:36 on Saturday 8 February 2025 here at Apterous Towers. Design and all good stuff copyright © Charles Reams 2008–2025. In memory of Phillip Harcort Collinge, never forgotten. Some graphical and aesthetic elements by Matt Morrison and Jon O'Neill.