Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns 8 in so far, planning on starting this one on evening of 31st.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns The full in for instant - so we'll get going! https://challonge.com/supersixteens14

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Quick reminder for the three games that haven't happened yet in R1 that the deadline is 10th Nov.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Terrific speed on a 10/10 difficulty conundrum sees Maus edge out Andres and become the 14th qualifier for the finals stage

Tourney round: Super Sixteens: Round 14: Instant 15

<< Round 13: Omelette 15 | Round 15: Unlimited Jnr >>

Notes from the organizer: Super Sixteens: Sixteen quickfire tournaments across sixteen variants each featuring sixteen players, playing fifteen (d'oh) rounders.

To clarify, this tournament will involve sixteen straight knockout tournaments (random draws). Each tournament will start as soon as we reach 16 players, with around one week given per match.

The winners of the 16 tournaments will qualify for the finals, carrying their "speciality" variant forward. There, they will play against another winner in both of their speciality variants, with a best of 5 if needed. But I'll cover that when we get there!

But then, there's a catch (or three):
First - if you win a tournament, you can't enter any more (since you are through to the finals!)
Secondly - the next tournament will open for sign-ups at the end of the first round of the previous one (or after one week), and begin as soon as we reach 16 players. If you're yet to be eliminated in the previous one, you miss out!
Thirdly - The upcoming tournaments are unknown... there will be a list of formats in the spreadsheet, but the order will be random.

So, tactics come in to play - will you enter as many as you can, or hold out for a favourite format?! Some might gamble and miss out altogether, and we might see some surprised winners - should be an interesting one!


Ran from: 22 October – 30 November 2022. Format: Instant 15. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Signed up: Thomas Carey, John Aziz, Andy SC, Dan Byrom, Fiona T, Owen Carroll, Ronan M Higginson, Dave Kempshall, John Doherty, Dan Spinks, Andres S., Tom Lock, Fi Thorne, Piaras Last-Name, Mark O'Regan, Adrian Fletcher.

Fixtures: 10. Completed: 10.

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