Tourney round: Royal Rumble: 2022

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Notes from the organizer: Welcome to the 2022 Apterous Royal Rumble.

Here is an explanation of the rules for the tournament:
1. Each round, any player still in the tournament will play a Standard 15 game against Apterous Prune

2. Two players will be randomly drawn to enter the tournament in Round 1.

3. A new player will be randomly drawn to enter the tournament each round. This different from last year because last year I randomly generated the entire entry order. So it will even be news to me whom is entering each round.

4. For a player to survive each round they participate in they will either have to have the highest score for that round or score within 25% of the highest score. For example if the highest score is 100, any other player would have to score 75 points or greater.

5. Any player that fails to play a game will be eliminated in the round they fail to play a game along with any player that scores outwith the 25%.

6. The round the after the last player enters the tournament, the percentage threshold will decrease by 1 until we have a winner.

7. Players will have two full days to complete each round. The deadline for each round will be posted in the comments section of this page. I would expect games to be played as soon as possible in order to keep the tournament ticking over smoothly. Last time some rounds were being played pretty quickly, so there shouldn't be too many issues.

If there is any questions or any points people would like clarifying then please ask.

Ran from: 1 October – 29 September 2022. Format: 15 Rounder. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Andy SC.

Fixtures: 0. Completed: 0.

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