Florence C-L

Florence C-L Is this an individual event or a team event? Are wickets per person or per team?

Dave Kempshall

Dave Kempshall Think it's individual Florence.

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Yep both cricket events are scored individually :)

Other things to clarify:
Whatever apterous treats as a max is what I’m going with

The scoring stops as soon as the 10th wicket falls, so scoring 8 maxes scores 2 if your 10th non-maxed round is the 12th round, but 8 if your 10th non-maxed round is the 18th round.

Overall, just gonna whittle away players over the week and then use spoilage to bowl everyone left out ;)

Dave Robjohns

Dave Robjohns Quick note - today is the final day of the first round of both cricket events, if you haven't played already!

Tourney round: Commonwealth Games: Birmingham 2022: Event 4: Cricket (Numbers)

<< Birmingham 2022: Event 3: Triathlon Relay: Third leg | Birmingham 2022: Event 5: Cricket (Conundrums) >>

Notes from the organizer: Event 4 brings us the only sport where there'll be more medal events in these games than in real life, cricket!

Cricket will be here in both numbers form & conundrum form. In both, for every round you do not max, you will lose a wicket. You have 10 wickets to lose before you're all out. Every round you do max earns you runs, with difficulties increasing during the tournament and runs per max also increasing.

There will be a new round added each day for numbers and conundrums, so I recommend playing your games quickly. You must also play your game in one sitting.

Our first numbers round, unlimited junior, is worth 1 run for each successful max.

Ran from: 9 – 11 August 2022. Format: Unlimited Jnr Numbers Attack. Matches: One-off. Approved.

Organizers: Dave Robjohns.

Fixtures: 23. Completed: 23.

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